Ajahn Sumedho
於 1967 年受戒

Luang Por Sumedho (Ajahn Sumedho) was born in Seattle, Washington in 1934. After serving four years in the US Navy as a medic, he completed a BA in Far Eastern Studies and a MA in South Asian Studies.
In 1966, he went to Thailand to practise meditation at Wat Mahathat in Bangkok. Not long afterwards he went forth as a novice monk in a remote part of the country, Nong Khai, and a year of solitary practice followed; he received full admission into the Sangha in 1967.
Although fruitful, the solitary practice showed him the need for a teacher who could more actively guide him. A fortuitous encounter with a visiting monk led him to Ubon province to practise with Venerable Ajahn Chah. He took dependence from Ajahn Chah and remained under his close guidance for ten years. In 1975, Luang Por Sumedho established Wat Pah Nanachat (International Forest Monastery) where Westerners could be trained in English. In 1977, he accompanied Ajahn Chah to England and took up residence at the Hampstead Vihara with three other monks.
Luang Por Sumedho has inducted more than a hundred aspirants of many nationalities into monastic life, and has established four monasteries in England, as well as branch monasteries overseas. In 1979, Luang Por Sumedho established Cittaviveka – Chithurst Buddhist Monastery, in West Sussex, where he served as abbot until 1984. This was the first forest monastery that he established in the West. Here in England he subsequently founded Aruna Ratanagiri Monastery in Harnham, Northumberland, Hartridge Buddhist Monastery in Honiton, Devon and Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in Great Gaddesden, Hertfordshire.
In late 2010, he retired as abbot of Amaravati Buddhist Monastery. From 2010 until early 2021, he lived in Thailand, before returning to live at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery. Luang Por Sumedho continues to share the Dhamma, wherever he resides.

Es así
2024 — Español
Esta colección de citas se ofrece con un corazón de gratitud y devoción a Luang Por Sumedho, por las muchas décadas de su dedicación a practicar, realizar y compartir el Dhamma. Aquí...

Keturios tauriosios tiesos
2024 — Lietuvių kalba
Ši nedidelė knygelė sudaryta iš redaguotų garbiojo Adžano Sumedho kalbų apie pagrindinį Budos mokymą, kuris skelbia: žmonija gali įveikti kančią naudodamasi savo dvasinėmis priemonėmis. Mokymas perteikiamas per Budos keturias tauriąsias tiesas. Pirmą...

Les Quatres Nobles Vérités
2023 — Français
Ce livret a été élaboré et édité à partir de discours donnés par le Vénérable Ajahn Sumedho à propos de l’enseignement central du Bouddha, à savoir que la souffrance de l’humanité peut...

2022 — ไทย
หนังสือ หนึ่งลมหายใจ เล่มนี้ เป็นหนังสือรวมธรรมบรรยายแปล ๕ เรื่อง โดยผู้แปลได้คัดแปลจากหนังสือ The way it is ซึ่งเป็นหนังสือรวมธรรมบรรยายของหลวงพ่อสุเมโธ (สมณศักดิ์ในปัจจุบัน คือ พระเทพญาณวิเทศ) ที่จัดพิมพ์ขึ้นเมื่อหลายสิบปีที่แล้ว ขณะที่ท่านพำนักและปฏิบัติหน้าที่เป็นเจ้าอาวาส ที่วัดอมราวดี ประเทศอังกฤษ หนังสือเล่มนี้ จัดพิมพ์ครั้งแรกเมื่อปี พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๖ จำนวน ๑๐,๐๐๐ เล่ม โดยคณะสงฆ์วัดป่านานาชาติ เพื่อน้อมเป็นมุทิตาสักการะ และเพื่อเป็นมงคลอนุสรณ์ ในมงคลโอกาสที่หลวงพ่อสุเมโธ เจริญอายุมงคลครบ ๗๙...

Band 5 der Anthologie: Das Rad der Wahrheit
2022 — Deutsch
Dieses Buch ist der fünfte Band innerhalb einer Fünfersammlung, die erstellt wurde, um das Leben und Wirken Ajahn Sumedhos anlässlich seines 80. Geburtstages zu würdigen. Der Titel des Buchs bezieht sich auf...

As Quatro Nobres Verdades
2021 — Português
Este livro foi compilado e editado a partir de palestras proferidas pelo Venerável Ajahn Sumedho acerca do ensinamento central do Buddha: a infelicidade humana pode ser transcendida através do caminho espiritual.

2021 — Pусский
«Читтавивека» — слово, вынесенное в заголовок этой книги — на языке пали означает «непривязанный ум». Одна из основных тем учения Будды, из- вестного как Дхамма, заключается в том, что страдание имеет своей...

Четыре Благородные Истины
2021 — Pусский
Эта небольшая книга является редакцией собрания лекций, прочитанных достопочтенным Аджаном Сумедхо на основную тему учения Будды: что тяготы человеческого существования могут быть превзойдены с помощью духовных средств. Это учение передается как Четыре...

2021 — Pусский
Цель этой книги — дать удобопонятное наставление по буддийской медитации и представить некоторые мысли по этому предмету в соответствии с учением аджана Сумедхо, бхиккху (монаха) традиции Тхеравада. Главы этой книги представляют собой...

2021 — Pусский
Эта книга является собранием учений Аджана Сумедхо, которые он давал людям, достаточно хорошо знакомым с положениями буддизма школы Тхеравада и имеющим определённый опыт практики медитации. Большинство глав книги представляют собой записи лекций,...

The Four Noble Truths (Illustrated Edition)
2020 — English
A small booklet of edited talks given by Ajahn Sumedho on the central teaching of the Buddha: that the unhappiness of humanity can be overcome through spiritual means. This new edition contains...

Verdadero, Pero No Adecuado
2020 — Español
La vida religiosa es una vida de renuncia: renunciamos a las cosas, las abandonamos y las dejamos ir. Para la mente mundana, “renuncia” puede sonar a querer deshacerse de algo, a condenar...

2020 — English
"When I reflect on my life as a Buddhist monk, I found one of the most significant turning points was when I started experiencing gratitude (kataññū-katavedī). Gratitude arises spontaneously when one reflects...

The Four Noble Truths – Sinhala
2020 — සිංහල
Ajahn Sumedho’s The Four Noble Truths translated into Sinhala

De Vier Edele Waarheden
2019 — Nederlands
Dit boekje is samengesteld op basis van lezingen gegeven door Eerwaarde Ajahn Sumedho over de centrale leer die de Boeddha onderwees: dat de onvrede van de mens overwonnen kan worden door spirituele...

Entretien sur le Dhamma
2018 — Français
Enseignements donnés lors d’une retraite au centre bouddhique « Le Refuge » du 23 au 25 avril 2004, incluant des questions/réponses.

Atención Plena – El sendero a lo Inmortal
2018 — Español
La intención de este libro es proveer instrucción y reflexión sobre la meditación budista, tal como es enseñada por Ajahn Sumedho, utilizando material extraído de charlas que dio a comienzos de la...

La Conscience Intuitive
2017 — Français
Ce livre est un recueil d’enseignements donnés par Ajahn Sumedho lors de différentes retraites (plus particulièrement en 2001) dont les principaux participants étaient des moines et des nonnes. Ces exposés témoignent d’une...

Intuitive Awareness
2017 — English
This book is compiled from talks given mostly in 2001 by Ajahn Sumedho. The first edition was originally published in 2004, but has long since been out of print. This new edition...

Četras Cēlās Patiesības
2016 — Latviešu
Šī brošūra ir sastādīta, izmantojot rediģētas Godājamā Ajahn Sumedho runas par galveno Budas mācību: cilvēces nelaimes var pārvarēt garīgās pilnveides ceļā. Mācība ir nodota, balstoties uz Budas Četrām Cēlajām Patiesībām, kas pirmo...

Las Cuatro Nobles Verdades
2015 — Español
Este libro fue recopilado y editado a partir de charlas ofrecidas por el Venerable Ajahn Sumedho sobre la enseñanza central de Buda: que la infelicidad de la humanidad puede ser superada a...

Plena Atenção
2014 — Português
A maior parte destas instruções podem ser levadas a cabo quer estejamos sentados, de pé ou a andar. Contudo, a técnica da Plena Atenção da respiração (ānāpānasati) mencionada nos primeiros capítulos é...

Anthology Vol 3 – Direct Realization
2014 — English
This volume contains material gathered from talks given by Ajahn Sumedho in the late 1980s and 1990s. It is made up of two collections – The Way It Is and Buddhism Now!...

Anthology Vol 1 – Peace is a Simple Step
2014 — English
Peace is a Simple Step brings together material that forms a foundation to Ajahn Sumedho’s teachings, from talks that were given in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It is a collection...

Anthology Vol 5 – The Wheel of Truth
2014 — English
The title of this book refers to the image of the Buddha’s teaching, the Wheel of Truth (or Dhamma). It is a wheel that he set rolling in his first discourse by...

Mindfulness – The Path to the Deathless
2012 — English
The aim of this book is to provide instruction and reflection on Buddhist meditation as taught by Ajahn Sumedho, using material extracted from talks he gave in the early 1980s. These talks...

Now is the Knowing
2011 — English
"The past is a memory. The future is the unknown. Now is the knowing."

Le Quattro Nobili Verità
2011 — italiano
La ragione per la quale io e voi abbiamo dovuto percorrere faticosamente questo lungo cammino risiede nel fatto che non abbiamo scoperto, non abbiamo penetrato quattro verità. Quali sono? Esse sono: la...

2011 — English
‘CITTAVIVEKA’, the title of this book, is a word in the Pali language meaning ‘the mind of non-attachment’. A major theme of the Buddha’s teaching – known as the Dhamma – is...

Die Vier Edlen Wahrheiten
2009 — Deutsch
Bei der Eröffnung des Tempels in Amaravati 1999 berichtete Lord Young, der Verfasser des „Manifesto“ der englischen Labour Party, wie er zum ersten Mal einen Vortrag von Ajahn Sumedho gehört und dabei...

Četiri Plemenite Istine
2007 — Српски
To što smo i vi i ja morali da pređemo mukotrpno dug put možemo zahvaliti tome što nismo otkrili, nismo shvatili četiri istine. Koje četiri? To su: plemenita istina o patnji, plemenita...

Intuïtief Gewaarzijn
2005 — Nederlands
TWINTIG JAAR GELEDEN, in 1984, betrok de kersverse kloostergemeenschap van het Amaravati Buddhist Centre, een barakachtig onderkomen op een winderige heuveltop in Hertfordshire, Engeland. De naam van het nieuwe klooster (met de...

Consapevolezza: la via oltre la morte.
1999 — italiano
La maggior parte delle istruzioni possono essere eseguite indifferentemente nella posizione seduta, camminando o stando fermi in piedi. Tuttavia, la consapevolezza del respiro (ānāpānasati) di cui si parla nei primi capitoli viene...

The way it is
1984 — English
This book contains a collection of teachings of Ajahn Sumedho given to people who are familiar with the conventions of Theravada Buddhism and have some experience of meditation. Most of the chapters...