Ajahn Sucitto
අභිසමය ගෙන ඇත 1976

Luang Por Sucitto was the abbot of Cittaviveka – Chithurst Buddhist Monastery from 1992 until 2014. He was born in London and went forth as a bhikkhu in Thailand in March 1976. Luang Por Sucitto returned to Britain in 1978 and took up training under Luang Por Sumedho at the Hampstead Buddhist Vihara. In 1979 he was one of the small group of monks, led by Luang Por Sumedho, who established Cittaviveka – Chithurst Buddhist Monastery.
In 1981 he was sent up to Northumberland to set up a small monastery in Harnham, which subsequently became Aruna Ratanagiri Monastery. In 1984 he accompanied Luang Por Sumedho in establishing Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in Hertfordshire. In 1992 he was appointed abbot of Cittaviveka. On October 26, 2014, he resigned the post, but has continued teaching as before.
Luang Por Sucitto's main work has been in teaching, editing and writing, although he was also largely responsible for the creation of the protocols and standards that flesh out the Ten Precept training of the Sīladharā (nuns) Order.

Atmen wie ein Buddha
2024 — Deutsch
Dieses Buch nahm seinen Anfang als ein Essay, mit dem Ziel, die Praxis der Achtsamkeit auf den Atem (ānāpānasati) um einige Hinweise zu ergänzen. Ich wollte meine Aussagen kurz und bündig auf...

Clarté et Espace
2023 — Français
Retraite du 23 octobre au 1er novembre 2009 au Domaine des Auquiers à Mirabeau.

Clarté et Calme Pour les Gens Occupés
2022 — Français
Les pages suivantes présentent des astuces pour trouver clarté et calme en quelques minutes. Elles peuvent être mises en pratique dans toutes sortes de situations – en moins de temps qu’il ne...

On Your Own Two Feet
2022 — English
A GUIDE TO STANDING MEDITATION As standing is something that we do, why not do it with full awareness? After all, standing was one of the positions that the Buddha recommended as...

Buddha-Natur, Menschen-Natur
2022 — Deutsch
‘Buddha-Natur, Menschen-Natur‘ ist ein Buch über unsere Umwelt und die Auswirkungen, die der Buddhismus auf diese gehabt hat und weiterhin haben kann. Die Idee, ein solches Buch zu schreiben, entstand anlässlich der...

Chiarezza e Calma
2022 — italiano
Le pagine che seguono offrono dei mezzi per fare chiarezza e trovare calma nel giro di pochi minuti. Possono essere messi in pratica all’interno di un ventaglio di situazioni ordinarie – nel...

Breathing like a Buddha
2022 — English
This book began as an essay to add some guiding notes to the practice of mindfulness of breathing (ānāpānasati). The intention was to be concise, with the understanding that plenty of meditation...

Kamma and the End of Kamma (2nd Edition)
2022 — English
This book is a substantially revised and expanded version of the 2009 original. It explores the link between external action and mind cultivation – both of which are forms of the kamma...

Den inneren Tyrann entthronen
2021 — Deutsch
Der innere Tyrann ist die nörgelnde Stimme, die verlangt, dass du perfekt bist, die dir niemals gratuliert oder dir Anerkennung zollt … Er versperrt den Zugang zur natürlichen Empathie des Herzens.

Klarheit und innere Ruhe für geschäftige Leute
2021 — Deutsch
Dieser Leitfaden soll dir helfen, aus der Hektik des Alltags auszusteigen und binnen weniger Minuten zu Klarheit und innerer Ruhe zu finden – in der Zeit, die du brauchen würdest, um eine...

Meditation an Outline – Sinhala version
2021 — සිංහල
This book is a manual that offers meditation guidance. Presenting practices that enhance awareness and calm, it is suitable for anyone interested in developing their inner life.

Samādhi ist purer Genuss
2021 — Deutsch
Lasst uns die Idee der Konzentration, oder samādhi, betrachten. Wenn du diese vier kleinen Silben hörst, Kon-zen-tra-tion, was bedeuten sie für dich? Möglicherweise brauchst du ein paar Augenblicke, um das in Worte...

Das kostbarste Geschenk
2021 — Deutsch
Diese Sammlung mit Dhamma-Reflexionen von Ajahn Sucitto aus der Zeit von 1985 bis 2017 wurde anlässlich seines 70. Geburtstages erstellt (2019). Sie entstand aus der Motivation der Dankbarkeit und Wertschätzung vieler seiner...

2021 — ไทย
คู่มือที่ท่านถืออยู่นี้ จะพาท่านเดินทางไกล กลับไปสู่กายใจของตนเองตามวิถีทางของ พระพุทธองค์ ไม่ว่าท่านจะนับถือศาสนาใด ก็ตาม เมื่อใดที่ท่านเริ่มหันมาใส่ใจต่อสิ่ง ต่าง ๆ ที่กำลังผุดขึ้นกลางใจ และใช้แนวทาง จากหนังสือเล่มนี้พาใจของท่านมาสู่ความ ตื่นรู้ ออกจากความหลงหรือความทุกข์ และไปเข้าใจเหตุที่ก่อให้เกิดความทุกข์ ในใจของท่าน เมื่อนั้นท่านจะเกิดความสว่าง ขึ้นกลางใจ จนจิตพบความสงบ และสันติ

An Outline of Buddhism
2020 — English
A great variety of forms of religious practice are associated with the word ‘Buddhism’. However, they all take Siddhattha Gotama, who lived and taught in northern India some 2,500 years ago, as...

Buddha-Nature, Human Nature
2020 — English
Buddha-Nature, Human Nature is a book about our environment and the effects that Buddhism has had and can have upon it.

Claridad y Calma
2020 — Español
En las siguientes páginas se ofrecen métodos para encontrar calma y claridad en unos minutos. Se pueden poner en práctica en una amplia gama de situaciones nada especiales –en el tiempo que...

The Most Precious Gift
2019 — English
Recollections of Ajahn Sucitto and a collection of his Dhamma Reflections from 1985 to 2017

Le perfezioni - Modi di attraversare i flutti della vita
2018 — italiano
Questo libro nasce da una serie di discorsi che tenni nel Monastero di Cittaviveka a metà degli anni novanta. Più di un decennio dopo, Kittisaro fece in modo che fossero trascritti e...

Meditation – Mode d’emploi
2018 — Français
Ce livret est un guide de méditation selon la tradition du bouddhisme Theravada. Il aborde les thèmes du discours du Bouddha sur la pleine conscience (Satipaṭṭhānasutta). Il s’agit plus d’un aperçu que...

Introducción a la Meditación del Conocimiento Directo (Insight/Vipassana)
2016 — Español
El objetivo de este texto es servir como introducción a la práctica de la Meditación del Conocimiento Directo e Introspectivo (Insight) tal como se enseña en la tradición del budismo Theravada. No...

Meditation – Ein Weg des Erwachens
2016 — Deutsch
Warum meditieren? Wenn Sie dieses Handbuch lesen, sind Sie vielleicht neugierig zu erfahren, warum Menschen meditieren. Warum sitzen sie lange Zeit still und aufrecht? Woran denken sie? Ist es eine Art Religion?...

Introduction to Insight Meditation
2015 — English
The aim of this booklet is to serve as an introduction to the practice of Insight Meditation as taught within the tradition of Theravada Buddhism. You need not be familiar with the...

Meditasie: ‘n Gids
2015 — Afrikaans
Hierdie teks is die Afrikaanse weergawe van Meditation: an Outline

Meditation – An Outline
2015 — English
This book is a manual that offers meditation guidance. Presenting practices that enhance awareness and calm, it is suitable for anyone interested in developing their inner life.

Clarity and Calm
2014 — English
The following pages offer some means to find clarity and calm within a few minutes. They can be put into practice in a range of non-specialized situations – in the time it...

Primi Passi In Buddhismo E Meditazione
2014 — italiano
Secondo l’accezione più vasta del termine, “meditare” significa dirigere ripetutamente l’attenzione su un’immagine, una parola o un tema allo scopo di calmare la mente e riflettere sul significato dell’oggetto prescelto. Nella pratica...

Unseating the Inner Tyrant
2014 — English
Do you ever find yourself dominated by a chain of thought that tells you that you’re not good enough, that you don’t deserve much, and that other people look down on you...

Samādhi is Pure Enjoyment
2014 — English
Let’s look at the idea of concentration, or samādhi. When you hear those four little syllables, con-cen-tra-tion, what do they imply to you? It may take a few moments to articulate it,...

Parami, Ways to Cross Life's Floods
2012 — English
Centuries ago a seeker, one who searches for a way beyond birth and death, was wandering through a remote valley of one of the many tributaries of the Ganges river. He had...

Rude Awakenings
2011 — English
What follows is the narrative of a pilgrimage around the Buddhist holy places of India and Nepal made in the winter 1990–91. We made the pilgrimage on foot over six months, but...

Great Patient One
2011 — English
This book is a sequel. The first half, published as Rude Awakenings , began the account of a six-month epic journey by two Englishmen, a monk and layman, to the Buddhist holy...

Discipline and Conventions
2011 — English
This guide is aimed at providing an introduction to some aspects of monastic discipline for those lay people who are interested in understanding something of the background to the rules and conventions...

Meditation – A Way of Awakening
2011 — English
If you’re reading this guide, maybe you’re curious as to why people meditate. Why do they sit still and upright in silence for long periods of time?What are they thinking about? Is...

Buddhista Meditáció
2007 — Magyar
Az a szándék hívta életre ezt a könyvecskét, hogy általános útmutatóként szolgáljon a buddhista meditáció gyakorlásához. Az anyag egy része könnyen érthető lesz a kezdők számára is, ám vannak olyan részletei, melyek...

Incarnez l’esprit !
2007 — Français
Incarnez l’esprit ! Discipline La mort et l’amitié spirituelle Le kamma de la méditation La pleine conscience de la marche Pūjā Au-delà de la limite

Kalyana – Dhamma talks from Ajahn Sucitto
2002 — English
This book arose out of an interest that I had to celebrate my fiftieth birthday by expressing my gratitude to the many people who have made it possible for me to live...

Buddhist Rituals & Observances
2001 — English
The practice of Buddhism is most frequently associated with the quiet, reflective and introspective aspects of formal meditation, with little recognition or realisation of the many means by which we can cultivate...