Ajahn Amaro

於 1979 年受戒
Photo of Ajahn Amaro

Born in England in 1956, Ajahn Amaro received his BSc. in Psychology and Physiology from the University of London. Spiritual searching led him to Thailand, where he went to Wat Pah Nanachat, a Forest Tradition monastery established for Western disciples of Thai meditation master Ajahn Chah, who ordained him as a bhikkhu in April 1979. He returned to England in October 1979 and joined Ajahn Sumedho at the newly established Chithurst Monastery in West Sussex.

In 1983 he made an 830-mile trek from Chithurst to a new branch monastery, Harnham Vihāra, near the Scottish border. In July 1985, he moved to Amaravati Buddhist Monastery north of London and resided there for many years. In the early 1990s, he started making trips to California every year, eventually establishing Abhayagiri Monastery near Ukiah, Northern California, in June of 1996.

He lived at Abhayagiri until the summer of 2010, holding the position of co-abbot along with Ajahn Pasanno. At that time, he then moved back to Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in England to take up the position of abbot of this large monastic community.

Cover for จิตคือทุกสิ่ง
2025 — ไทย

คาสอพุทธชิงรากการณวิท า นอกเหนือจากฉบับภาษาอังกฤษแล้ว ยังมีฉบับสองภาษา อังกฤษ/ไทย ให้อ่านได้ที่นี่

Cover for Happily Ever After. 1 Reality
Happily Ever After. 1 Reality
2024 — English

Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume: - ‘The Blue Pill or the Red Pill? Why Wake up When my Habits are so Pleasant?’ - ‘Of course it’s happening in...

Cover for Happily Ever After. 3 People
Happily Ever After. 3 People
2024 — English

Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume: - ‘What is the best religion?’ - ‘Not my circus, not my monkeys’ - ‘Who was Ajahn Chah?’

Cover for Happily Ever After. 2 Emotion
Happily Ever After. 2 Emotion
2024 — English

Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume: - ‘Heroin or chocolate cake?’ - ‘I am a Buddhist, why am I so angry?’ - The importance of being bored, sad and...

Cover for Happily Ever After. The Anthology
Happily Ever After. The Anthology
2024 — English

Reflections On Life Goals And Priorities (Single Volume Edition)

Cover for Happily Ever After. 5 Beyond
Happily Ever After. 5 Beyond
2024 — English

Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume: - The good, the bad and the unconditioned - ‘We need to talk about Nibbāna’ - Suchness and the square root of minus...

Cover for Happily Ever After. 4 Money
Happily Ever After. 4 Money
2024 — English

Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume: - Buddhism and the pursuit of wealth - ‘How to live a Dhamma life in the capitalist world of today?’ - A currency...

Cover for Navegando Una Sociedad Polarizada
Navegando Una Sociedad Polarizada
2024 — Español

Esta disertación del Dhamma fue realizada por Ajahn Amaro el 14 de junio 2023, en el King’s Scholars Society (KSS) en Bangkok, Tailandia. (Ver en YouTube)

Cover for Hinein-Hören
2024 — Deutsch

Es gibt eine Anzahl von Themen die Menschen, welche buddhistische Meditation praktizieren, sehr geläufig sind: „Atemachtsamkeit“, bei der man sich auf den Rhythmus des Atems fokussiert; „Gehmeditation“, die sich um das Spüren...

Cover for Raízes e Correntes
Raízes e Correntes
2022 — Português

Este livro contém uma miscelânea de meus escritos, em vez de palestras transcritas, abrangendo minha vida como um ajahn na sangha ocidental da Tradição da Floresta da Tailândia. A primeira parte, “Raízes”,...

Cover for Auf den Geist kommt’s an
Auf den Geist kommt’s an
2022 — Deutsch

Der Titel dieses Buchs, Auf den Geist kommt’s an, lenkt die Aufmerksamkeit zur geistigen Einstellung. Er weist darauf hin, wie enorm wichtig unsere Haltung ist, wenn der Geist Erfahrungen aufnimmt und verarbeitet,...

Cover for La Revelación
La Revelación
2022 — Español

ES UN HECHO NATURAL que el futuro es intrínsecamente incierto. No sabemos qué va a pasar en nuestra práctica. Puede que surjan grandes desafíos y dificultades extremas – quizá algún tipo de...

Cover for อุเบกขา ธรรมสุดท้าย
อุเบกขา ธรรมสุดท้าย
2022 — ไทย

อุเบกขายังไม่เป็นเพียงธรรมอันประณีตที่สุด และเป็นธรรมประการสุดท้ายในพรหมวิหาร สี่ – เครื่องอยู่อันประเสริฐของพรหมเท่านั้น แต่ยังเป็นธรรมข้อที่เจ็ดขององค์แห่งการ ตรัสรู้เจ็ดประการ (โพชฌงค์เจ็ด) อีกด้วย เมื่อพระพุทธองค์ได้ตรัสถึงคุณสมบัติของจิตที่ตรัสรู้แล้ว อุเบกขาเป็นคุณสมบัติข้อที่เจ็ดในธรรมเจ็ดประการนั้น และเช่นเดียวกับในบารมีสิบ อุเบกขาก็เป็นธรรมข้อที่สิบในบารมีสิบนั้นเช่นกัน

Cover for Serenity Is the Final Word
Serenity Is the Final Word
2022 — English

"I thought I would begin by offering a few reflections about equanimity or upekkhā. This is one of the most significant psychological, emotional qualities talked about in the Buddhist tradition. However, because...

Cover for Cheminer Vers la Paix Intérieure
Cheminer Vers la Paix Intérieure
2022 — Français

Ce livre décrit un ensemble d’outils et de techniques de méditation pour débutants. Ces enseignements proviennent d’une série de six semaines de cours donnés en 2002 à Mendocino en Californie. Ces leçons...

Cover for L’Écoute Intérieure
L’Écoute Intérieure
2022 — Français

Il y a un certain nombre de thèmes qui sont très familiers à ceux qui pratiquent la méditation bouddhiste : « l’attention à la respiration » où l’on porte l’attention sur le...

Cover for Catastrophe/Apostrophe: L’enseignement du Bouddha sur la coproduction conditionnée / sa cessation
Catastrophe/Apostrophe: L’enseignement du Bouddha sur la coproduction conditionnée / sa cessation
2022 — Français

Au cours des dernières années, j'ai dirigé des retraites résidentielles spécifiquement sur le thème de la coproduction conditionnée à au moins cinq reprises – à Amaravati au Royaume- Uni, à Mae Rim,...

Cover for 突破入流初果
2022 — 中文(简体)

此书集结了阿马拉瓦蒂寺院 (Amaravati Monastery) 在 2012 年夏天举办的 13 天密集禅修时的开示,也可以说是《找回失去的宁静》这本书的延续。《找回失去的宁静》发表于 2011 年,是关于禅修的入门指引。与之相比,《突破入流初果》的定位更像是专用的工具箱,尤其强调智慧和内省在发展觉悟和心灵解脱中扮演的角色。 入流初果是声闻四果中的第一果,所谓“入流”,就是走入八正道,引向最终的觉悟解脱。之所以称为“突破”,是因为它是心灵修行上的一个转折点,具有重要的意义,一旦实现入流初果,最终的方向必然将是自由和解脱。 此书引用了大量佛经故事、作者的亲身经历以及其他相关事例来阐述重要的佛理,比如对“佛、法、僧”更深一层的理解,以及“十二缘起”、“戏论”是如何运作的,“自我”又是如何被构建的。还详细介绍了不同的禅修方法,包括基本的坐禅、行禅、身念住、内观禅,以及对“苦”、“无常”、“非我”的省思,对寂静之音、时间、空间的观照等,并对禅修中可能遇到的困难给出了实用的建议。对佛理的进一步理解和禅修的持续精进,能够帮助我们减轻甚至消除“身见结”、“戒禁取结”、“疑结”,在心灵追求的道路上实现不可逆转的解脱智慧。

Cover for Die Insel
Die Insel
2022 — Deutsch

NIBBĀNA (Nirvāna in Sanskrit) ist ein Wort, das verwendet wird, um eine Erfahrung zu beschreiben. Wenn das Herz frei von allen Verdunkelungen ist und sich in völliger Übereinstimmung mit der Natur, der...

Cover for ทางสายกลาง หรือ ทางสายฉัน
ทางสายกลาง หรือ ทางสายฉัน
2022 — ไทย

เมื่อเราสามารถหาทางสายกลางพบ จะไม่เพียงแค่ได้ผ่อนคลายและสงบสุขเท่านั้น แต่ยังได้ผลลัพธ์ที่ดีอีกด้วย หมายถึงว่าเราสามารถทำงานได้เต็มศักยภาพ เต็มความสามารถ เราสามารถใช้ความคิด จินตนาการ ความถนัดให้เป็นประโยชน์ ต่อการทำงาน ซึ่งเป็นการใช้ความพยายามโดยปราศจากความเครียด

Cover for My Way or The Middle Way
My Way or The Middle Way
2022 — English

The theme for this Dhamma talk is ‘My way or the Middle Way?’ As people might recognize, the title was borrowed from the famous Frank Sinatra song, written by Paul Anka, ‘My...

Cover for Copper Isle Miles
Copper Isle Miles
2021 — English

This photo-journal records a pilgrimage made in Sri Lanka in November of 2019. I had been invited numerous times to visit this ancient seedbed of Theravāda Buddhism but, prior to this present...

Cover for Kāmanīta, el peregrino
Kāmanīta, el peregrino
2021 — Español

…Comencé a leerlo, y muy pronto me di cuenta: «Bueno, bueno, bueno…es una novela budista. Y escrita por un oscuro académico danés». Era “Kāmanīta, el Peregrino”, al que ahora —unos diez años...

Cover for Catastrophe/Apostrophe: The Buddha’s Teachings on Dependent Origination/Cessation
Catastrophe/Apostrophe: The Buddha’s Teachings on Dependent Origination/Cessation
2021 — English

Over the last few years I have led residential retreats specifically on the theme of dependent origination on at least five occasions – at Amaravati in the U.K., in Mae Rim, Thailand,...

Cover for Mind Is What Matters: the Phenomenological Approach of the Buddha
Mind Is What Matters: the Phenomenological Approach of the Buddha
2021 — English

THE TITLE OF THIS BOOK, Mind Is What Matters, brings attention to attitude. It points to the enormous difference our attitude makes as the mind receives and processes experience, and it points...

Cover for การให้อภัย และความกรุณา
การให้อภัย และความกรุณา
2021 — ไทย

เมื่อเราได้พิจารณาถึงความสัมพันธ์ระหว่าง การให้อภัยและกรุณา ถ้าเรานํา เรื่องทั้งสองนี้มารวม เข้าด้วยกันและพิจารณาดูดีๆ เราจะพบว่า นี่คือการ ตระหนักรู้ถึงความกว้างใหญ่ไพศาลที่โลกนี้มียิ่งกว่า ที่เราเคยคิดมากนัก ยังมีที่ว่างในชีวิตของเรามากกว่า ที่เราคิดไว้และที่สํา คัญก็คือ เราไม่มีความจํา เป็นใดๆ ที่จะต้องเติมที่ว่างนั้นให้เต็ม

Cover for Forgiving and Compassion
Forgiving and Compassion
2021 — English

Sunday Talk on the 18th September 2016 Good afternoon to you all. The theme for the Sunday talk this week is ‘Forgiving and Compassion’ so I will offer some reflections around these...

Cover for Кто покормит мышей?
Кто покормит мышей?
2021 — Pусский

Будда как-то сказал: если бы вам пришлось носить своих родителей на себе всю их жизнь, отца на одном плече, мать — на другом; вплоть до момента, когда они стали бы беспомощны и...

Cover for Io ho ragione, tu hai torto!
Io ho ragione, tu hai torto!
2020 — italiano

GENTILEZZA AMOREVOLE ~ L’attaccamento a opinioni, l’alienazione e il sentiero del Buddha della non contesa

Cover for ยิ่งน้อย ยิ่งมาก
ยิ่งน้อย ยิ่งมาก
2020 — ไทย

…สมมุติพวกเราบอกว่าปรัชญาชีวิตของเราคือ ‘ยิ่งมากคือยิ่งดี’ และถ้า ‘ยิ่งน้อยคือยิ่งมาก’ ด้วยแล้วไซร้ เราก็สามารถสรุปได้ว่า ‘ยิ่งน้อยคือยิ่งดี’ ด้วย

Cover for Less is More
Less is More
2020 — English

The theme for this afternoon’s talk is ‘Less is More – Frugality, Renunciation and Generosity’. I will focus on the frugality and renunciation aspects first of all and then get to generosity...

Cover for ¡Yo Tengo Razón, Tú Estás Equivocado(a)!
¡Yo Tengo Razón, Tú Estás Equivocado(a)!
2020 — Español

Benevolencia – Apego a puntos de vista la alienación y el sendero de no-conflicto del buda Este pequeño libro es el primero de una serie de cuatro, que contienen reflexiones y prácticas...

Cover for Petit Bateau Grande Montagne
Petit Bateau Grande Montagne
2020 — Français

Titre original : Small Boat, Great Mountain La rencontre de traditions spirituelles incluant celles des enseignements de sagesse du Theravāda et du Dzogchen, deux grandes expressions du Bouddha-Dharma, est un des principaux...

Cover for Solo Uno Más…
Solo Uno Más…
2020 — Español

Alegría apreciativa, celos, deseo egoísta y las enseñanzas del Buda sobre los ciclos de adicción Este pequeño libro es el tercero de una serie de cuatro, que contienen reflexiones y prácticas relacionadas...

Cover for No Empujes – Solo Utiliza El Peso De Tu Propio Cuerpo
No Empujes – Solo Utiliza El Peso De Tu Propio Cuerpo
2020 — Español

Compasión, la ayuda compulsiva, insensibilidad y la enseñanzas del Buda sobre el cuidado en acción. Este pequeño libro es el segundo de una serie de cuatro, que contienen reflexiones y prácticas relacionadas...

Cover for ¿Quién Está Tirando De Los Hilos?
¿Quién Está Tirando De Los Hilos?
2020 — Español

Ecuanimidad, superstición, karma y las enseñanzas del Buda sobre la causalidad. Este pequeño libro es el último de una serie de cuatro, que contienen reflexiones y prácticas relacionadas con las ‘moradas sublimes...

Cover for Visión Amplia, Corazón sin Límites
Visión Amplia, Corazón sin Límites
2020 — Español

Charlas transcritas de Ajahn Pasanno y Ajahn Amaro. Ajahn Pasanno describe la práctica de los Brahmaviharas: benevolencia, compasión, alegría apreciativa y ecuanimidad. Ajahn Amaro ofrece una visión general del budismo Theravada y...

Cover for Solo lo maravilloso permanece
Solo lo maravilloso permanece
2020 — Español

Las charlas agrupadas en este volumen son una selección que fue publicada en Silent Rain (1995) y fue editada y adaptada para la reimpresión de Rain on the Nile (2009). Las charlas...

Cover for 小乘、大乘、 金剛乘和大道
小乘、大乘、 金剛乘和大道
2019 — 中文(简体)

比丘阿摩羅講於1991年7月萬佛城禪修期 王青楠博士 中譯 歷史上對於大乘,南傳佛法的功德有著不同的觀點。如果你多讀文獻,就會發現,雖然佛教修持的方式多采多姿,可彼此間的緣卻極為密切。 我剛到泰國國際森林寺時,不僅沒讀過任何佛書,甚至也沒有真要當和尚的意思。我是個自由自在地追求心靈生活的流浪者,碰巧到了蘇美度法師幾年前所建立的森林寺院。在我看來,這不過是個讓我免費吃住幾宿的地方,根本沒想到,十二、三年之後我會做現在所做的事。當我請一位和尚介紹一點佛教,讓我知道一點他們生活的感受時,其中一位很快就遞給我一本禪師的開示,接著說「不用去讀上座部的文獻了,非常枯燥。讀這本書罷,其內容和我們做的差不多,讀了就會知道一些我們的修行情形了。」我心想,這些人顯然並不太執著自己的傳統。那本書名是《禪心;初學者之心》。 所以從一開始我們就可以看出,雖然某一國家可能強調某一種佛教,可人不一定要受其約束。在那裡幾個月之後,我才聽到「上座部」和「大乘」的名詞,更不用說其觀念上的差異了。在現實生活中,兩者的差異不大。可當你做了許多思考,你寫歷史、寫書、涉獵許多宗教生活的政治層面時,兩者的差異就出現了。 我聽蘇美度法師回憶過好幾次,說在他出家的第一年,他用虛雲老和尚禪七開示的方法修行,做為他修禪的基本方法。到 Wat Pah Pong, 後,阿姜查尊者(Ajahn Chah)問他用過甚麼方法修禪。最初他想,「尊者一定會讓我放棄原有的,而按他的方式修行。」可當蘇美度法師講述了自己的修行,並且說效果相當好之後,尊者說,「很好,繼續修下去。」 因此我們可以從中看到修行目的強烈共同性。雖然在歷史上的傳統或許有所不同,但兩者之間卻是非常一致的。我們開始看到不同的佛教傳統都在講些甚麼,雖然被劃分成小乘、大乘和金剛乘的不同修行方式,但基本上都只是關於心態的不同標籤。如果有智慧地使用傳統,它們就會談到我們內心的一切方面,從最自私世俗的,到最高尚的,談到我們生活的一切層次,只是當被誤解時,當人以固定觀念看待問題時,衝突就發生了。

Cover for The Lesser, The Greater, The Diamond and the Way
The Lesser, The Greater, The Diamond and the Way
2019 — English

HISTORICALLY THERE HAVE BEEN differences of opinion about the relative merits of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism and, if you read much of the literature, they would seem to be quite divergent in...

Cover for ไม่แน่!
2019 — ไทย

…อะไรคือธรรมะ ? สิ่งที่ว่ามันไม่แน่ ก็คือ ธรรมะ ถ้าเห็นธรรมะ ก็เห็นพระพุทธเจ้า ฉะนั้น อันที่มันไม่แน่นอนนี้แหละ คือ พระพุทธเจ้า….

Cover for Not Sure!
Not Sure!
2019 — English

The Dhamma talk was given on the 20th of June 2018 at the World Fellowship of Buddhists The topic for this evening is ‘Not Sure!’ Sitting on Sukhumvit Road and not moving...

Cover for Emptiness and Pure Awareness
Emptiness and Pure Awareness
2019 — English

From a talk given on the winter retreat, Chithurst, February 1991 Gotama Buddha said, when he was an old man, “This body is like an old cart, held together by straps; this...

Cover for สุญญตา และการตระหนักรู้อย่างแท้จริง
สุญญตา และการตระหนักรู้อย่างแท้จริง
2019 — ไทย

…เมื่อเรากล้าเผชิญหน้ากับสิ่งที่ไม่เคยรู้และละทิ้งอัตตาเสียแล้ว สิ่งแปลกใหม่ที่ไม่เคยรู้นั้น ก็เปลี่ยนจากน่ากลัวเป็นน่าพิศวง เต็มไปด้วยความอัศจรรย์ จิตก็จะตกอยู่ในสภาวะอัศจรรย์แทนที่จะอยู่ในสภาวะหวาดกลัว เป็นสภาวะที่ปลดปล่อย อิสระ – นี่แหละคือหนทางของพวกเราทั้งหลาย…

Cover for Mara and the Mangala
Mara and the Mangala
2019 — English

This story is intended to be both a partner to the novel The Pilgrim Kamanita, written by Karl Gjellerup in 1906, and a tale that stands on its own. There is no...

Cover for A Generous Heart
A Generous Heart
2018 — English

Today is the 100th day after the passing away of the king of Thailand: His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Also, at this time, a good friend of the sangha, Yom Ploen Petchkua,...

Cover for บุญ
2018 — ไทย

…เมื่อจิตใจของคนได้เกิดเป็น “บุญ” แล้ว บุญนี้สามารถจุดความสว่างไสวและความสุขขึ้นในใจ ซึ่งจะเป็นพื้นฐานที่มั่นคงของความดีงามด้านอื่นๆ ให้เกิดขึ้น…

Cover for ตามใจมาเติมสุข
2018 — ไทย

คู่มือฝึกสมาธิภาวนาเบื้องต้น เป็นการแนะนำขั้นตอนและวิธีในการปฏิบัติภาวนา มีคำอธิบายซึ่งเป็นหลักการสำคัญเกี่ยวกับการปฏิบัติสมาธิภาวนาขั้นพื้นฐาน ที่ผู้เริ่มสนใจผึกสมาธิภาวนาควรทราบในเบื้องต้น เพื่อจะได้รู้วิธีวางรากฐานที่ถูกต้อง และมั่นคงให้กับการปฏิบ้ติสมาธิภาวนาของตน

Cover for Who Will Feed the Mice?
Who Will Feed the Mice?
2018 — English

The following is based on a talk given on March 29, 2003, at Abhayagiri Monastery, Redwood Valley, California.

Cover for รำลึกซึ้ง
2018 — ไทย

รำลึกซึ้ง…ความรักและแรงบันดาลใจของแม่ …ในระยะหลังๆ นี้ อาตมามักจะนึกถึงอิทธิพลที่โยมแม่มีต่อชีวิตของอาตมา แล้วก็เกิดความคิดขึ้นว่า ตั้งแต่วัยเด็กจนกระทั่งมาพบธรรมะเมื่ออายุ ๒๑ ปี โยมแม่เป็นคนสำคัญที่สุดที่ทำให้อาตมาได้รู้จักว่า อะไรเป็นสิ่งที่ประเสริฐ ดีงาม และมีคุณค่าในโลกใบนี้

Cover for La Isla: Una antología de las enseñanzas del Buda sobre Nibbāna
La Isla: Una antología de las enseñanzas del Buda sobre Nibbāna
2018 — Español

Introducción de Ajahn Sumedho (fragmento) Una dificultad con la palabra Nibbāna es que su significado está más allá del poder de las palabras para describirlo. Es, esencialmente, indefinible. Otra dificultad es que...

Cover for Den fehlenden Frieden finden
Den fehlenden Frieden finden
2018 — Deutsch

Dieses kleine Buch, das in einer Reihe von Lektionen Meditationshilfen und -techniken für Anfänger beschreibt, basiert auf einer sechswöchigen Serie von Lektionen, die 2002 in Mendocino in Kalifornien gegeben wurden. Diese Lektionen...

Cover for L’Ascolto Interiore – Meditazione sul Suono del Silenzio
L’Ascolto Interiore – Meditazione sul Suono del Silenzio
2017 — italiano

Ci sono alcuni argomenti che i praticanti della meditazione buddhista conoscono bene: “la consapevolezza del respiro”, in cui ci si focalizza sul ritmo del respiro, “la meditazione camminata”, che ruota intorno alla...

Cover for The Hush At The End Of The World
The Hush At The End Of The World
2017 — English

In May of 2003, three senior Buddhist monks from the Thai forest tradition of Ajahn Chah – Ajahn Sumedho, Ajahn Amaro and Ajahn Nyanarato – travelled into the Arctic wilderness, 800 miles...

Cover for Roots and Currents
Roots and Currents
2017 — English

This book contains a miscellany of my writings, rather than transcribed talks, from throughout my life as an ajahn in the Western Thai Forest sangha. The first part, ‘Roots’, is mainly historical;...

Cover for ¿Quién Alimentará Los Ratones?
¿Quién Alimentará Los Ratones?
2017 — Español

Este pequeño libro contiene reflexiones de Ajahn Amaro mencionadas en una charla que dio en el Monasterio Abhayagiri en el año 2003, poco antes de viajar para acompañar a su madre en...

Cover for Atammayatā – La última palabra del budismo
Atammayatā – La última palabra del budismo
2017 — Español

Este pequeño libro fue originalmente redactado como un capítulo individual del volumen llamado La Isla: Una Antología de las Enseñanzas del Buda acerca de Nibbāna. Como una de las diferentes secciones de...

Cover for La Escucha Interior – Meditatión en el Sonido del Silencio
La Escucha Interior – Meditatión en el Sonido del Silencio
2017 — Español

Hay una serie de temas que son muy familiares a las personas que practican meditación budista: “La plena atención en la respiración” que trata de focalizar la atención en el ritmo de...

Cover for The Breakthrough
The Breakthrough
2017 — English

This book is based upon the talks and meditation instructions offered during a thirteen-day retreat at Amaravati, in the summer of 2012. It is intended to be something of a follow up...

Cover for The Pilgrim Kamanita
The Pilgrim Kamanita
2017 — English

THE BOOK YOU ARE VIEWING HERE is the eBook of the second print edition of The Pilgrim Kāmanīta – a Legendary Romance, published in 2017. The text of the story is largely...

Cover for La Práctica de la Paz Interior
La Práctica de la Paz Interior
2016 — Español

Este libro describe herramientas de meditación y técnicas tanto para principiantes como para meditadores experimentados, presentados en una serie de lecciones. Se basa en un curso realizado a lo largo de seis...

Cover for Who is Pulling the Strings?
Who is Pulling the Strings?
2016 — English

This small book is the fourth in a series of four, consisting of reflections and practices related to the ‘sublime abiding places for the heart’ – the four brahma-vihāras, in Buddhist parlance....

Cover for Phra Videsabuddhiguṇa (Venerable Ajahn Amaro)
Phra Videsabuddhiguṇa (Venerable Ajahn Amaro)
2016 — English

This small book is an expression of the good wishes of many sincere and devoted people. It is a gesture of their faith in the Triple Gem and, in particular, in the...

Cover for Don’t Push – Just Use the Weight of Your Own Body
Don’t Push – Just Use the Weight of Your Own Body
2016 — English

This small book is the second in a series of four, consisting of reflections and practices related to the ‘sublime abiding places for the heart’ – the four brahma-vihāras, in Buddhist parlance....

Cover for I’m Right, You’re Wrong
I’m Right, You’re Wrong
2016 — English

This book is a substantially revised and expanded version of the 2009 original. It explores the link between external action and mind cultivation – both of which are forms of the kamma...

Cover for Just One More…
Just One More…
2016 — English

This small book is the third in a series of four, consisting of reflections and practices related to the ‘sublime abiding places for the heart’ – the four brahma-vihāras, in Buddhist parlance....

Cover for For the Love of the World
For the Love of the World
2016 — English

Almost daily the media tell us that this is a time of environmental crisis. In 2012 the northern polar ice cap melted more than ever before in human memory. Species are said...

Cover for Inner Listening
Inner Listening
2015 — English

There are a number of themes that are very familiar to people who practise Buddhist meditation: ‘mindfulness of breathing’, where you focus on the rhythm of the breath; ‘walking meditation’, that revolves...

Cover for Finding The Missing Peace
Finding The Missing Peace
2015 — English

This booklet, describing meditation tools and techniques for beginners in a series of lessons, is based on a six-week series of classes given in Mendocino, California, in 2002

Cover for Inner Listening – Sinhala
Inner Listening – Sinhala
2015 — සිංහල

Ajahn Amaro’s Inner Listening translated into Sinhala

Cover for Introduzione Ajahn Chah
Introduzione Ajahn Chah
2014 — italiano

Una sera nel nord-est della Thailandia La notte sta scendendo rapidamente. La foresta risuona dell’ondoso brusio di innumerevoli grilli e dell’inquietante e crescente gemito delle cicale tropicali. Poche stelle si intrufolano fiocamente...

Cover for Piccola Barca, Grande Montagna
Piccola Barca, Grande Montagna
2014 — italiano

AGLI INIZI DEGLI ANNI ’80 ero un giovane monaco che viveva e praticava al Wat Suan Mokkh, un monastero della foresta nel sud della Thailandia fondato da Ajahn Buddhadāsa, uno dei più...

Cover for Rain on the Nile
Rain on the Nile
2013 — English

When Silent Rain was first compiled, back in 1993, part of the idea of producing such a varied collection of material – talks, poems, travelogues and artwork – was that it would...

Cover for Tudong, The Long Road North
Tudong, The Long Road North
2013 — English

Tudong is a Thai derivative of the Pali word dhutanga translating literally as ‘means of shaking off’; it is used to refer to the austere or ascetic practices allowed by the Buddha...

Cover for Rugged Interdependency
Rugged Interdependency
2013 — English

Perhaps it is impossible to say where anything really begins, nevertheless, it can be useful to map out a few landmarks here and there. Accordingly, here is a little of the background...

Cover for An Introduction to the Life and Teachings of Ajahn Chah
An Introduction to the Life and Teachings of Ajahn Chah
2013 — English

One evening in Northeast Thailand… Night is falling swiftly. The forest reverberates with the undulating buzz of countless crickets and the eerie rising wail of tropical cicadas. A few stars poke dimly...

Cover for Silent Rain
Silent Rain
2011 — English

In the way of spiritual life, creation tends to happen through response to circumstances rather than from any self-propelled initiative. In the summer of 1993, whilst I was doing some teaching in...

Cover for The Island
The Island
2008 — English

A difficulty with the word ‘nibbāna’ is that its meaning is beyond the power of words to describe. It is, essentially, undefinable. Another difficulty is that many Buddhists see Nibbāna as something...

Cover for Like A River
Like A River
2008 — English

Todd’s life was like a river that flows gently to make all who came to know him happy. He always cared about others without expecting anything in return. He shared his favorite...

Cover for Kleines Boot, erhabener Berg
Kleines Boot, erhabener Berg
2007 — Deutsch

[...] Wir können uns äußerst glücklich schätzen, dass der Buddhismus im Westen noch so neu ist. Viele Leute haben bereits darüber reflektiert, dass dies „die guten alten Zeiten“ sind. In 100 Jahren...

Cover for Le Pèlerinage de Kamanita
Le Pèlerinage de Kamanita
2004 — Français

Le Pèlerinage de Kamanita fut publié en 1906 en langue allemande. Son auteur, Karl Gjellerup, né au Danemark en 1857, partagea sa vie entre Copenhague au Danemark et Dresde en Allemagne. Deux...

Cover for Small Boat, Great Mountain
Small Boat, Great Mountain
2003 — English

The meeting of spiritual traditions, including that of Theravāda wisdom teachings and Dzogchen, two great expressions of the Buddha-Dharma, is one of the major beneficial aspects of life in these times. The...

Cover for 小船與大山
2003 — zh-TW

小船向大山搖櫓而去,搖櫓者是誰?這是一本非常特 別的中譯書,因為此書的作者是一位南傳佛教的長老比 丘,現為英國南傳阿姜查森林佛教傳統阿瓦拉馬諦寺的住 持,此書的內容是與藏傳佛教大圓滿教法相對應的巴利經 典及泰國森林傳統禪法的教法,此書中文版的翻譯則為漢 傳佛教的出家人。這些特勝的元素加在一起,不知淬鍊出 什麼樣的佛教書籍,實在有待讀者仔細玩味。 因緣際會讓譯者協助審訂《小船與大山》的中文初譯 稿。遠因是譯者曾在阿姜阿馬羅的道場參加各三個月的結 冬安居和結夏安居。安居結束之後,心中曾經發願要將阿 姜阿馬羅的著作翻譯成中文,以報答安居的恩情。

Cover for Broad View, Boundless Heart
Broad View, Boundless Heart
2001 — English

Ajahn Pasanno deals with the practice of the Brahmavihāras in two teachings, while Ajahn Amaro gives an overview of Theravāda Buddhism and Ajahn Chah’s teaching of Right View in that tradition.

Cover for The Dhamma and the Real World
The Dhamma and the Real World
2000 — English

We are often asked, “What does a Buddhist monastic know about real life?” This is a very good question because many people may think that we don’t have to deal with real...

Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation
2022 — 350 words
My name is Amaro Bhikkhu, I am a Buddhist, I am concerned about justice peace and the integrity of creation because all of these are seriously at risk in these current times. In Buddhism our vision of justice comprises...
Mindfulness and Buddhism in the West
2022 — 5,685 words
A talk given at The Humanities Center, Ho Center for Buddhist Studies, Stanford University, California, on November 7th, 2018 When we consider Buddhism and Mindfulness – what are the prospects? What are the challenges? What can we look forward to? What direction are they heading in? My first response is...
Znalezienie doskonałej równowagi
2022 — 4,971 words
LEGENDA: – Arhat, Arahat, Arahant – „ten, który zniszczył wrogów (skazy)”, godny, jeden ze stopni świętości (Ariya) na ścieżce do wyzwolenia, – Bodhisatta (zapis palijski), Bodhisattwa (skr.) – istota dążąca do Przebudzenia – sutty (zapis palijski), sutry (zapis sanskrycki) – teksty kanoniczne **Ajahn Amaro zastanawia się nad argumentami za i...
Reflections on mettā
2020 — 1,260 words
The Practice of Mettā by Luang Por Sumedho There is a great lack of mettā in the world today because we have overdeveloped our critical faculties: we constantly analyze and criticize. We dwell on what is wrong with ourselves, with others, with the society we live in. Mettā, however,...
A Listening Heart
2020 — 1,948 words
During this period of the coronavirus pandemic, and the worldwide lockdown of millions of people, great acts of self-sacrifice are being carried out all around us. Nurses and doctors, carers of many kinds and support staff, have literally died for their patients in numerous countries and thoughtful acts of kindness...
Heavenly Messages
2020 — 1,530 words
These are frightening times. The uncertainty and stress in the air on account of the coronavirus pandemic is palpable and, at least for our human family, life as we know it has been radically disrupted. Furthermore, the menace of that disruption continuing is like an ominous fog ahead of us...
A Currency of Well-being
2018 — 5,259 words
The need to have a corrective to the broad assumptions (usually unexamined) of how an economy works has become a real issue for us.’ > Martin Palmer, 1-2-18 This article was written at the request of Martin Palmer, an old friend of this community and the founder and Secretary...
Unshakeable Well-Being
2018 — 5,567 words
I am delighted to be here today in Amsterdam, sharing this time with so many of you; meeting many people for the first time and reconnecting with old friends, continuing to enjoy the meeting of the worlds of academic psychology and Buddhist meditation, and all their attendant branches. The theme...
The End of Dukkha is Now
2016 — 1,238 words
We can say that the retreat formally closes this evening; this is the last day. But what really makes today special? The mind creates time, schedules. We come to human agreements. We say ‘beginning’, ‘ending’. These are all qualities that are imputed, determined, agreed upon. They don’t have any existence...
Every Thing is Uncertain
2016 — 1,543 words
The changing weather is a fine teaching in adaptability. One day warm sunshine, spring flowers, birds singing. Now, howling winds and snow. Tomorrow what will it be? If we are wise then the heart will always adapt to receive the changing qualities of the present circumstance. Stillness and movement, calmness...
Mindfulness is the Path to the Deathless
2016 — 1,867 words
Today is Easter Sunday according to the western European calendar. According to Christian mythology this is the day Jesus rose from the dead, however, the very word ‘Easter’ itself points to the fact that its symbolism reaches beyond the Christian stories. The east is where the sun rises. The birth...
Seeing Clearly Into Causation
2015 — 913 words
Last week at the Spirit Rock family retreat we saw many young people, surrounded by wholesome structures and examples, and offered much in the way of skilful guidance. Seeing the good results of that in just a few days made me reflect on the idea that if you catch things...
Journey to the Centre of the World
2014 — 4,773 words
Here is the watch my mother gave my father on their wedding day, his initials engraved upon the back. Here is a dress that the daughter of Tan Dhammarakkho, Hannah Renshaw, wore before she died at the age of two, in a mysterious fire at Chithurst in 1983. Here is...
The View From the Centre
2008 — 5,507 words
‘Don’t be an arahant, don’t be a bodhisattva, don’t be anything at all – if you are anything at all you will suffer’ — Ajahn Chah A student of Buddhism asked: ‘Which do you think is the best path: that of the arahant or that of the bodhisattva?’ Ajahn...
What Does ‘I Am the Way …’ Mean?
2006 — 3,861 words
I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through me. > > [John 14:6] A number of years ago I was invited to join with Father Laurence Freeman OSB to co-lead an evening of reflections at Old St Mary’s Cathedral,...