4 පෙරහන
Cover for Introduction to Insight Meditation
The aim of this booklet is to serve as an introduction to the practice of Insight Meditation as taught within the tradition of Theravada Buddhism. You need not be familiar with the teachings of the Buddha to make use of it, although such knowledge can help to clarify any personal understanding you may develop through meditation.
Español යන්නෙන්ද ලබා ගත හැක
Cover for Inner Listening
There are a number of themes that are very familiar to people who practise Buddhist meditation: ‘mindfulness of breathing’, where you focus on the rhythm of the breath; ‘walking meditation’, that revolves around the feeling of the footsteps as you walk up and down a path; the internal repetition of a mantra, such as ‘Bud-dho’ – these are all designed to help ground the attention... තව කියවන්න

There are a number of themes that are very familiar to people who practise Buddhist meditation: ‘mindfulness of breathing’, where you focus on the rhythm of the breath; ‘walking meditation’, that revolves around the feeling of the footsteps as you walk up and down a path; the internal repetition of a mantra, such as ‘Bud-dho’ – these are all designed to help ground the attention in the presence of this very moment, this present reality.

Along with these more well-known methods there are many others that can serve a similar function. One of these is known as ‘inner listening’ or ‘meditation on the inner sound’ or, in Sanskrit, ‘nada yoga’. These terms all refer to attending to what has been called ‘the sound of silence’, or ‘the nada-sound’. ‘Nada’ is the Sanskrit word for ‘sound’ as well as being the Spanish word for ‘nothing’ – an interesting and accidentally meaningful coincidence.

Deutsch, Español, Français, italiano, සිංහල යන්නෙන්ද ලබා ගත හැක
Cover for Friends on the Path
We have put together this small collection of writings in response to an invitation to reprint some of the nuns’ published teachings. There being no collection of teachings that was considered to be suitable for re-printing in its entirety, we have gathered material from various sources.
Cover for Las Cuatro Nobles Verdades
Este libro fue recopilado y editado a partir de charlas ofrecidas por el Venerable Ajahn Sumedho sobre la enseñanza central de Buda: que la infelicidad de la humanidad puede ser superada a través de medios espirituales. Ajahn Sumedho dice que el Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta –la enseñanza del Buda sobre las Cuatro Nobles Verdades– fue la principal referencia que utilizó en su práctica a lo largo de... තව කියවන්න

Este libro fue recopilado y editado a partir de charlas ofrecidas por el Venerable Ajahn Sumedho sobre la enseñanza central de Buda: que la infelicidad de la humanidad puede ser superada a través de medios espirituales.

Ajahn Sumedho dice que el Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta –la enseñanza del Buda sobre las Cuatro Nobles Verdades– fue la principal referencia que utilizó en su práctica a lo largo de los años. La escuela del budismo Theravada considera a este sutta como la quintaesencia de la enseñanza del Buda. Este sutta contiene todo lo necesario para comprender el Dhamma y para alcanzar la Iluminación.

මෙම පොත The Four Noble Truths (Illustrated Edition) හි පරිවර්තනයක් වේ