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Cover for Happily Ever After. 5 Beyond
Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume: - The good, the bad and the unconditioned - ‘We need to talk about Nibbāna’ - Suchness and the square root of minus one - Unshakeable well-being - ... Happily ever after
Cover for Happily Ever After. 4 Money
Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume: - Buddhism and the pursuit of wealth - ‘How to live a Dhamma life in the capitalist world of today?’ - A currency of well-being
Cover for Happily Ever After. 2 Emotion
Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume: - ‘Heroin or chocolate cake?’ - ‘I am a Buddhist, why am I so angry?’ - The importance of being bored, sad and lonely - ‘If you truly love me, don’t create me in your mind’
Cover for Happily Ever After. 1 Reality
Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume: - ‘The Blue Pill or the Red Pill? Why Wake up When my Habits are so Pleasant?’ - ‘Of course it’s happening in your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?’ - Let the citta draw a picture
Cover for More Than Mindfulness
[...] Beth Steff has been practising at the monasteries associated with the traditions of Ajahn Chah in the West now for many years. She spent six years with us at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery in California, USA. After returning to her home country of New Zealand, Beth was feeling inspired by the examples of living a life of mindfulness that she experienced in the monasteries and... 阅读更多
Cover for Peace From Within
On the occasion of my 60th birthday, I received some requests from the monastic Sangha and the lay supporters of Buddha Bodhivana Monastery who wished to know more about my life and practice as a monk. In response, it seems like a good idea to commit some of my various recollections to paper before they become lost through the passage of time. This book includes... 阅读更多
Cover for On Your Own Two Feet
A GUIDE TO STANDING MEDITATION As standing is something that we do, why not do it with full awareness? After all, standing was one of the positions that the Buddha recommended as a proper basis for mindfulness. Wisely cultivated, it takes strain out of the body, encourages balance and inner stability – and is a support for full liberation. In this guide, Ajahn Sucitto adds... 阅读更多
Cover for Times and the Timeless
This little collection was never intended as a ‘collection of teachings.’ It came about in response to a request and a suggestion. The request was from Sarah Wallis who wanted to sponsor a publication in celebration of her sixtieth birthday, and to mark thirty years of the Banbury Buddhist Group. The suggestion, also from Sarah, was to gather together the reflections that had been individually... 阅读更多