4 පෙරහන

Ajahn Sumedho

Luang Por Sumedho (Ajahn Sumedho) was born in Seattle, Washington in 1934. After serving four years in the US Navy as a medic, he completed a BA in Far Eastern Studies and... තව කියවන්න
Cover for The Four Noble Truths (Illustrated Edition)
A small booklet of edited talks given by Ajahn Sumedho on the central teaching of the Buddha: that the unhappiness of humanity can be overcome through spiritual means. This new edition contains illustrations by Ajahn Sucitto.
Deutsch, Español, Français, हिन्दी, Lietuvių kalba, Latviešu, Nederlands, Português, Pусский, සිංහල යන්නෙන්ද ලබා ගත හැක
Cover for Gratitude
Cover for Gratitude


Ajahn Sumedho (2020)
"When I reflect on my life as a Buddhist monk, I found one of the most significant turning points was when I started experiencing gratitude (kataññū-katavedī). Gratitude arises spontaneously when one reflects on one’s parents, who made it possible for one to exist as a human being, Luang Por Chah, the teacher, whose wisdom was always directly pointing to the way out of suffering, and... තව කියවන්න
Cover for De Vier Edele Waarheden
Dit boekje is samengesteld op basis van lezingen gegeven door Eerwaarde Ajahn Sumedho over de centrale leer die de Boeddha onderwees: dat de onvrede van de mens overwonnen kan worden door spirituele beoefening. Deze leer wordt overgebracht via de Boeddha’s Vier Edele Waarheden, voor het eerst uiteengezet in 528 voor Christus in het hertenpark in Sarnath nabij Varanasi en sindsdien door het boeddhisme in stand... තව කියවන්න
මෙම පොත The Four Noble Truths (Illustrated Edition) හි පරිවර්තනයක් වේ
Cover for Intuitive Awareness
This book is compiled from talks given mostly in 2001 by Ajahn Sumedho. The first edition was originally published in 2004, but has long since been out of print. This new edition has been reviewed for typographical errors and redesigned, and some re- editing has been done. However, the Dhamma content has not been changed. The talks were transcribed, edited and proofread by various members... තව කියවන්න
Français, Nederlands, සිංහල යන්නෙන්ද ලබා ගත හැක
Cover for Anthology Vol 5 – The Wheel of Truth
The title of this book refers to the image of the Buddha’s teaching, the Wheel of Truth (or Dhamma). It is a wheel that he set rolling in his first discourse by proclaiming the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path of practice. This teaching remains as the axis of Ajahn Sumedho’s teaching and personal contemplative work. This particular collection of his Dhamma talks and... තව කියවන්න
Deutsch යන්නෙන්ද ලබා ගත හැක
Cover for Mindfulness – The Path to the Deathless
The aim of this book is to provide instruction and reflection on Buddhist meditation as taught by Ajahn Sumedho, using material extracted from talks he gave in the early 1980s. These talks were almost all given to monastics who were familiar with the language and terms of Theravada Buddhism – but Ajahn Sumedho’s approach is not technically intricate, and so we felt that many more... තව කියවන්න
Pусский යන්නෙන්ද ලබා ගත හැක
Cover for Cittaviveka
‘CITTAVIVEKA’, the title of this book, is a word in the Pali language meaning ‘the mind of non-attachment’. A major theme of the Buddha’s teaching – known as the Dhamma – is that suffering is caused by attachment, and that the aim and result of the correct application of the teachings is a mind of non-attachment.
Magyar, Pусский යන්නෙන්ද ලබා ගත හැක
Cover for Intuïtief Gewaarzijn
TWINTIG JAAR GELEDEN, in 1984, betrok de kersverse kloostergemeenschap van het Amaravati Buddhist Centre, een barakachtig onderkomen op een winderige heuveltop in Hertfordshire, Engeland. De naam van het nieuwe klooster (met de betekenis (“De Doodloze Wereld”) was gekozen als weerklank van de oude Boeddhistische stad in Andara Pradesh in Zuid-India, en als neutraliserende kracht tegen de in die tijd heersende wederzijdse vernietigingsdrang, de nucleaire wapenwedloop,... තව කියවන්න
මෙම පොත Intuitive Awareness හි පරිවර්තනයක් වේ
Cover for The way it is
Cover for The way it is

The way it is

Ajahn Sumedho (1984)
This book contains a collection of teachings of Ajahn Sumedho given to people who are familiar with the conventions of Theravada Buddhism and have some experience of meditation. Most of the chapters are edited from talks given during retreats for lay people for Ajahn Sumedho’s monastic (ordained) disciples, so they require some careful attention and are best read in sequence. In the monastic retreats Ajahn... තව කියවන්න
Pусский යන්නෙන්ද ලබා ගත හැක