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Ajahn Candasiri

Ajahn Candasiri is Scottish by birth and was one of the first nuns to be ordained by Ajahn Sumedho at Chithurst Monastery in 1979. Having been raised as a Christian, she continues... තව කියවන්න

Ajahn Candasiri is Scottish by birth and was one of the first nuns to be ordained by Ajahn Sumedho at Chithurst Monastery in 1979. Having been raised as a Christian, she continues to appreciate contact with contemplative Christians and with those of other faiths. Recognizing the immense benefit, both for herself and others, that can come about through a life of renunciation, she has actively participated in the evolution of the nuns' training and in providing opportunities for women to experience this form of practice. For much of her monastic life she has been resident at either Cittaviveka or Amaravati Monasteries. Currently, she resides at Milntuim Hermitage, a small monastery in Perthshire, Scotland that has been established for nuns of this tradition.

Cover for Friends on the Path
We have put together this small collection of writings in response to an invitation to reprint some of the nuns’ published teachings. There being no collection of teachings that was considered to be suitable for re-printing in its entirety, we have gathered material from various sources.