Ajahn Munindo
Посвящен в 1976

Im Warteraum des Buddha sitzen
2022 — Deutsch
Mit dem obigen Dhammapadavers 331 wird meist eine Geschichte verbunden, in der Mara versucht, den Buddha zur Königsmacht und Weltherrschaft zu verführen. Darauf würde sich der Buddha aber nie einlassen. Er war...

In Any Given Moment
2021 — English
With a focus on gratitude, Ajahn Munindo reflects back over his life as a Buddhist monk. He particularly contemplates how very different communities have supported his spiritual journey. He concludes by expanding...

Sitting in the Buddha’s Waiting Room
2021 — English
Buddhist contemplations on: 5 spiritual faculties, faith, energy, mindfulness, collectedness, discernment, going forth, ignorance, saying ‘no’, confidence, sickness, joy, security, meaninglessness, patience, waiting and other things…

We Are All Translators
2021 — English
Buddhist contemplations on: form and spirit, trust and belief, goal oriented practice, source oriented practice, formal and daily-life practice, knowing for yourself, wilfulness and relaxation, precepts, creativity, and other things…

Servitore della Realtà
2020 — italiano
Questa raccolta non è necessariamente rivolta a chi cerca insegnamenti sul Buddhismo, ma è una sorta d’incoraggiamento a chiunque sia interessato ad approfondire le sue personali riflessioni. Anziché dare risposte aspira a...

O Dhammapada Pentru Contemplație
2019 — Română
Am speranța că această O Dhammapada pentru contemplație îi vă încânta pe cei care o descoperă și va fi de folos în a-i încuraja ca pe viitor să privească din perspective diferite.

Servant of Reality
2018 — English
Servant of Reality is a companion volume to Alert To The Needs Of The Journey (Aruno Publications 2018). Each chapter of this small book stands alone, but readers might also find benefit...

Sanity in the Midst of Uncertainty
2018 — English
Buddhist contemplations on: dealing with an ever-accelerating rate of change, how to develop a sense of confidence, maintaining an exercise routine, diet, use of psychotherapy, ways to survive even when we feel...

Alert to the Needs of the Journey
2018 — English
Eight chapters of teachings recently given by Ajahn Munindo at Aruna Ratanagiri Monastery.

Dhammapada Reflections - Vol. Three
2015 — English
These Dhammapada verses and comments follow on from the first and second volumes in this series. As before, they are slightly re-edited versions of what was originally sent out to a global...

Atento a lo que dices
2014 — Español
Mirando a su alrededor y viendo las cosas terribles que están sucediendo podríais preguntaros: ¿Cómo puedo contribuir? ¿En dónde puedo contribuir? ¿Qué puedo hacer? Bueno, yo personalmente estoy bastante convencido de que...

Dhammapada – Reflexões
2013 — Português
A radiância dos ensinamentos do Buddha chega-nos até hoje, aqui e agora, iluminando o caminho que nos leva em direcção à libertação do sofrimento. A luminosidade do Dhamma é reflectida nas palavras...

Dhammapada Reflections - Vol. Two
2013 — English
This Dhammapada Reflections, Volume 2 follows on from Volume 1, which was printed in 2009. Once again it comprises a selection of 52 quotes from A Dhammapada for Contemplation (2006) with comments....

Un Dhammapada para la Contemplación
2012 — Español
La colección de dichos llamada el Dhammapada es una visión de la verdad intemporal ofrecida por el Buda hace unos dos milenios y medio. Visto desde el este, oeste, norte o sur,...

Dhammapada Per La Contemplazione
2011 — italiano
Prefazione Viaggiando attraverso le regioni montuose della Scozia centrale ci si può imbattere in vedute incantevoli della montagna sacra della cultura celtica, Schiehallion. Quest’aspra bellezza può essere osservata da varie prospettive, e...

Dhammapada Reflections - Vol. One
2009 — English
This book contains a selection of 52 verses taken from The Dhammapada. Accompanying each verse is a short paragraph by Ajahn Munindo, a Theravadin Buddhist monk and currently abbot of Aruna Ratanagiri...

A Dhammapada for Contemplation
2006 — English
The collection of sayings called the Dhammapada is a glimpse of the timeless truth offered by the Buddha over two and a half millennia ago. Viewed from the East,West, North or South,...