Ajahn Sundarā

Ordenado em 1983
Photo of Ajahn Sundarā

Ajahn Sundara is French and was born in a liberal non-religious family. After studying dance, she worked and taught for a few years in that field. In her early thirties she encountered the Dhamma through Ajahn Sumedho’s teachings and a ten day retreat that he led in England. Her interest in Buddhist teachings grew, and in 1979 she joined monastic community of Chithurst Monastery where she was ordained as one of the first four women novices. In 1983 she was given the Going Forth as a sīladhāra (ten precept nun) by Ajahn Sumedho. Since then she has participated in the establishment of the nuns’ community, and for the last twenty years has taught and led meditation retreats in Europe and North America. As of 2011, she lives at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery.

Cover for Paccuppanna – Le moment présent
Paccuppanna – Le moment présent
2024 — Français

La conscience possède la qualité d’un miroir. On peut y accéder à tout moment, devenir conscient de l'esprit et du corps tels qu'ils sont à cet instant précis. Peut-être que la conscience...

Cover for Graines de Dhamma
Graines de Dhamma
2024 — Français

Les textes rassemblés dans ce livret proviennent d’enseignements variés donnés par Ajahn Sundara au Monastère d’Amaravati. Cette collection inclut des enseignements offerts à la communauté laïque et monastique lors des retraites de...

Cover for Caminando el Mundo
Caminando el Mundo
2019 — Español

Los capítulos de este maravilloso libro contienen las transcripciones editadas de las charlas dadas por Ajahn Sundara entre 2003 y 2011. Muchas de estas charlas y enseñanzas fueron dadas en el Insight...

Cover for Paccuppanna – The Present Moment
Paccuppanna – The Present Moment
2017 — English

Awareness has a mirror-like quality. We can tap into it right now, become aware of the mind and body as they are in this moment. Perhaps awareness is reflecting the feeling of...

Cover for Seeds of Dhamma
Seeds of Dhamma
2016 — English

The short texts collected here are drawn from various Dhamma talks given by Ajahn Sundara at Amaravati Buddhist monastery.

Cover for Friends on the Path
Friends on the Path
2015 — English

We have put together this small collection of writings in response to an invitation to reprint some of the nuns’ published teachings. There being no collection of teachings that was considered to...

Cover for Walking the World
Walking the World
2014 — English

The chapters in this wonderful book are edited transcriptions of talks given by Ajahn Sundara between 2003 and 2011. Many of these talks and teachings were given at Insight Meditation Center of...

Cover for The Body
The Body
2013 — English

This collection of nuns’ talks, which were originally offered to the monastic communities and during meditation retreats for lay people, focus on two main themes. The first is obvious but, remarkably, overlooked...

Living In Reality
2017 — 242 words
When the weather is beautiful, we notice how the human mind is influenced and affected by the brightness of sunshine. On a sunny day in England, I always feel that the sunshine brings happiness into people’s minds, and when they’re happy, they seem to get along better naturally. What happens...
On the Way to Liberation
2015 — 4,997 words
Today there is beautiful weather. We notice how the human mind is influenced and affected by the brightness of sunshine. On a sunny day in England, I always get the feeling that the sunshine brings happiness into people’s minds. It feels like there is something radiant in the air, and...
The Wisdom of Emotions
2014 — 1,850 words
Our emotions can be triggered by something very small: a physical sensation, a passing thought, a sense contact, a feeling. In the context of Dhamma we begin to notice that in fact emotions are constructs: amalgams of thought, feeling, perceptions, past conditioning, trauma, family stories; all these things come together...