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Ajahn Jayasaro

Ajahn Jayasaro (Shaun Michael Chiverton) was born on the Isle of Wight, England in 1958. In 1978 he became a disciple of Ajahn Chah, one of Thailand’s most renowned Buddhist monks and... Leia mais

Ajahn Jayasaro (Shaun Michael Chiverton) was born on the Isle of Wight, England in 1958. In 1978 he became a disciple of Ajahn Chah, one of Thailand’s most renowned Buddhist monks and meditation masters, at Wat Pah Pong forest monastery in Northeast Thailand. He took full ordination, with Ajahn Chah as his preceptor, in 1980.

After his initial five-year monastic training, Ajahn Jayasaro went on an extended solitary retreat before taking on teaching and administrative duties. Over the next several years he alternated between periods of retreat and service to his monastic lineage. During this time he was entrusted by the elders of his order with writing the official biography of his teacher, Ajahn Chah. In 1997 he assumed the position of abbot of Wat Pah Nanachat, the international monastery of Ajahn Chah’s lineage, where he remained until the end of 2002.

Since early 2003 Ajahn Jayasaro has been living in a hermitage at the foot of Khao Yai Mountain National Park. The Dhamma teachings and meditation retreats he gives at regular intervals at a nearby retreat centre offer inspiration to both lay Buddhists and monastics. He is also a key figure in the movement to integrate Buddhist developmental principles into the Thai education system. Many of his Dhamma talks are broadcast on radio, television and digital media.

Ajahn Jayasaro has written many books on Buddhist themes in the Thai language, a number of which have been translated into other languages, including Chinese, French, Italian and Portuguese. His latest English works, 'without and within' is a general introduction to the Theravada Buddhist tradition. And the recently published ‘Stillness Flowing,’ is an important biographical work that details the life and teachings of Ajahn Chah which took over two decades in the making. In 2011, Ajahn Jayasaro was granted an honorary doctorate in Buddhist pedagogy by Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. In 2019 he received a monastic title of Phra Rajabajaramanit and in 2020 Phra Thepphacharayanamuni from His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn Phra Vajiraklaochaoyuhua. He was also granted Thai citizenship by royal decree in 2020, at which time Somdet Phra Buddhaghosacariya (P. A. Payutto) kindly gave him a Thai family name of ‘Potanuwat.’ In 2021 he was honored with a monastic title of Phra Dhammaphacharayanamuni.

Cover for Aus der Feder eines guten Freundes
Mit seinen handschriftlich verfassten Dhamma-Reflexionen inspiriert Ajahn Jayasāro jede Woche eine große und wachsende Leserschaft weltweit. Sowohl die äußere Form als auch die Art der inhaltlichen Vermittlung der buddhistischen Lehre gelten als außergewöhnlich. Sie sind weise und intelligente Impulsgeber. Sie bieten Orientierung und Hilfestellung sowohl für Neueinsteiger als auch erfahrene Praktizierende. Mit der vorliegenden Übersetzung ist es erstmals gelungen, einen ausgewählten Teil der Reflexionen auch... Leia mais

Mit seinen handschriftlich verfassten Dhamma-Reflexionen inspiriert Ajahn Jayasāro jede Woche eine große und wachsende Leserschaft weltweit. Sowohl die äußere Form als auch die Art der inhaltlichen Vermittlung der buddhistischen Lehre gelten als außergewöhnlich. Sie sind weise und intelligente Impulsgeber. Sie bieten Orientierung und Hilfestellung sowohl für Neueinsteiger als auch erfahrene Praktizierende.

Mit der vorliegenden Übersetzung ist es erstmals gelungen, einen ausgewählten Teil der Reflexionen auch in deutscher Sprache zugänglich zu machen.

Cover for Stillness Flowing
Although it has been my intention that this book should be, as far as possible, a biography as opposed to a hagiography, I am not sure that I have been completely successful. My love for Luang Por and my belief in his enlightenment inevitably colour the text. What I have not done is suppress any scandalous or embarrassing information out of concern for his good... Leia mais

Although it has been my intention that this book should be, as far as possible, a biography as opposed to a hagiography, I am not sure that I have been completely successful. My love for Luang Por and my belief in his enlightenment inevitably colour the text. What I have not done is suppress any scandalous or embarrassing information out of concern for his good name. Hard as it may be to accept nowadays when there is so much – and often well-founded – cynicism about the integrity of religious figures, Luang Por Chah had absolutely nothing to hide. The only skeleton in a cupboard at Wat Pah Pong was the one hanging on public display in the Dhamma Hall. In fact, that is one of the strongest reasons for my belief that the life of Luang Por Chah is so worthy of study.

All those that remember him have their own Ajahn Chah. This book represents mine. If it includes any mistakes or oversights I accept full responsibility, and ask for your forgiveness.

Também disponível em Español
Cover for Without and Within
The publication of this book, which is to be made available at hotels and other accommodations, meets a long-standing need. There have been others in the past who have begun and then finally abandoned such a project. This book finally succeeds in remedying an important lack. Ajahn Jayasaro has written this book in the form of questions and answers, making it interesting and not overly-academic... Leia mais

The publication of this book, which is to be made available at hotels and other accommodations, meets a long-standing need. There have been others in the past who have begun and then finally abandoned such a project. This book finally succeeds in remedying an important lack.

Ajahn Jayasaro has written this book in the form of questions and answers, making it interesting and not overly-academic in tone. Furthermore, he has drawn upon his extensive experience in both the study and practice of Buddhism, and also in teaching it to others, to select appropriate topics. He has observed and reflected on which matters are commonly of interest to people, and which matters would be good for them to understand. He also deals in the book with subjects that people tend to misunderstand and others in which important and useful aspects are often overlooked. Thus, Ajahn Jayasaro has chosen suitable topics, ones in which he answers the needs of people interested in Buddhism, remedies misunderstandings, and points to areas that repay attention. He explains and gives advice, enlightening readers on fundamental Buddhist concepts. One beneficial theme infuses every aspect of this book: the elegant, meticulous cultivation of all that is noble in the heart and mind.

Cover for Seen in Their True Light
Last year I decided to produce a Dhamma book that would be of interest to the many people in Thailand who do not usually read Dhamma books. It would be a book of photographs. I asked for photos on any subject at all from my students and through them their families and friends. In all I received some three or four thousand images, which I... Leia mais

Last year I decided to produce a Dhamma book that would be of interest to the many people in Thailand who do not usually read Dhamma books. It would be a book of photographs. I asked for photos on any subject at all from my students and through them their families and friends. In all I received some three or four thousand images, which I whittled down to a few hundred of my favourites. And then I began to impose a narrative on the material. I chose as my subject the path to liberation. The demands of metre can affect the content of a poem, bringing forth phrases from the poet’s mind that might otherwise have remained unformed. Similarly, In seeking to present the Buddha’s teachings within the framework provided by a random set of photographs I have found new ways of expressing myself. I hope my readers will enjoy the experiment as much as I have.

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Cover for Mindfulness Precepts & Crashing in the same car
It has always been my intention to share the teachings of Phra Ajahn Jayasaro with other lay followers and those who are seeking the best way to live their lives. In every attendance of the teachings, I have always received good thoughts and advice to help disentangle frustrations in my normal busy life, and most of all, I somehow regain my sati to realize and... Leia mais

It has always been my intention to share the teachings of Phra Ajahn Jayasaro with other lay followers and those who are seeking the best way to live their lives. In every attendance of the teachings, I have always received good thoughts and advice to help disentangle frustrations in my normal busy life, and most of all, I somehow regain my sati to realize and reconsider the other angles of view and life. I did share this moment of findings with my family, and do hope that I can cultivate more thorough understandings and practices of Dhamma to my son, Pordee, from the teachings of Phra Ajahn. Dhamma book is another channel to share the teachings with others, friends and Dhamma friends, and hope that they will have their own approach to appreciate the teachings and apply to their everyday life as well.

Cover for Daughters and Sons
Many years ago before I was ordained as a monk, I believed that wisdom came from experience. So I left my home country of England for India, roaming around and gathering life experience in Europe and Asia. The more difficult it was, the more I liked it because I felt that difficulties helped me to know myself better, and that was beneficial to my life.... Leia mais

Many years ago before I was ordained as a monk, I believed that wisdom came from experience. So I left my home country of England for India, roaming around and gathering life experience in Europe and Asia. The more difficult it was, the more I liked it because I felt that difficulties helped me to know myself better, and that was beneficial to my life.

But the overland trip to India was a little disappointing. It was not as challenging as I expected, and so on the way back I resolved to travel from Pakistan to England without any money. I wondered if it would be possible to hitchhike all the way back, and I also wanted to know how it would feel to have nothing at all.

Cover for On Love
This small book began life as a Dhamma talk given in the Thai language. After I had edited the transcribed version it was printed in Thailand under the title Lak Rak. One of the readers of that book, Varangkana Lamsam, found it useful and decided that she would like to arrange the printing of an English version as a gift of Dhamma to fellow lay... Leia mais

This small book began life as a Dhamma talk given in the Thai language. After I had edited the transcribed version it was printed in Thailand under the title Lak Rak. One of the readers of that book, Varangkana Lamsam, found it useful and decided that she would like to arrange the printing of an English version as a gift of Dhamma to fellow lay Buddhists. Her cousin Pimkaeo Sundaravej, who had received the book from her, translated it. For my part I have edited the manuscript and clarified some points of Dhamma that I feel were a little vague in my own original discourse. I would like to express my appreciation of the efforts of both Varangkana and Pimkaeo to make this book possible.

May the virtues of the Triple Gem guide and protect all who read this book. Ajahn Jayasaro

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Cover for The Real Practice
Three talks to the monastic community of Wat Pah Nanachat by Ajahn Jayasaro: - Giving Yourself up to Things - Khanti – Patient Endurance - The Real Practice