Ajahn Thiradhammo
Ordinato nel 1974

Ajahn Thiradhammo was born in Canada in 1949, took upasampada at Wat Meung in 1973 and stayed at Wat Pah Nanachat until 1982. He was at Chithurst Monastery for two years and was then in charge of Harnham Vihara until 1987. He then helped establish Dhammapala Monastery in Switzerland and stayed there as abbot until 2005. Ajahn Thiradhammo was Abbot at Bodhinyanarama Monastery in New Zealand until March 2012 and is presently of no fixed abode.

Beyond I-Making
2022 — English
While researching the Pali Canon for my previous book, Working with the Five Hindrances, I occasionally came across an intriguingly cryptic phrase: ‘I-making, mine-making and the underlying disposition to conceit’ (ahaṅkāra-mamaṅkāra-mānānusaya). This...

Travailler avec les cinq obstacles
2019 — Français
L’origine de ce livre remonte à une série de conférences données au monastère Bodhinyanarama de Wellington, en Nouvelle-Zélande. Plusieurs personnes de Vancouver et de Victoria (Canada), intéressées par le sujet, ont transcrit...

Working with the Five Hindrances
2016 — English
The original source for this book is a series of talks given at Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Wellington, New Zealand. Various interested people in Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia, transcribed these talks, and I...

Treasures Of The Buddha's Teaching
2013 — English
This book is a collection of passages from the Buddhist scriptures, with commentaries. It presents a basic outline of the life of the Buddha, his teachings (Dhamma) and the monastic community (Sangha)...

Contemplations on the Seven Factors of Awakening
2012 — English
This book is based on a series of talks on the Seven Factors of Awakening given at Bodhinyanarama Monastery in New Zealand during the Rains Retreat in 2007. My intention is to...