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Cover for Seen in Their True Light
Last year I decided to produce a Dhamma book that would be of interest to the many people in Thailand who do not usually read Dhamma books. It would be a book of photographs. I asked for photos on any subject at all from my students and through them their families and friends. In all I received some three or four thousand images, which I... Lees meer

Last year I decided to produce a Dhamma book that would be of interest to the many people in Thailand who do not usually read Dhamma books. It would be a book of photographs. I asked for photos on any subject at all from my students and through them their families and friends. In all I received some three or four thousand images, which I whittled down to a few hundred of my favourites. And then I began to impose a narrative on the material. I chose as my subject the path to liberation. The demands of metre can affect the content of a poem, bringing forth phrases from the poet’s mind that might otherwise have remained unformed. Similarly, In seeking to present the Buddha’s teachings within the framework provided by a random set of photographs I have found new ways of expressing myself. I hope my readers will enjoy the experiment as much as I have.

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Cover for Mindfulness Precepts & Crashing in the same car
It has always been my intention to share the teachings of Phra Ajahn Jayasaro with other lay followers and those who are seeking the best way to live their lives. In every attendance of the teachings, I have always received good thoughts and advice to help disentangle frustrations in my normal busy life, and most of all, I somehow regain my sati to realize and... Lees meer

It has always been my intention to share the teachings of Phra Ajahn Jayasaro with other lay followers and those who are seeking the best way to live their lives. In every attendance of the teachings, I have always received good thoughts and advice to help disentangle frustrations in my normal busy life, and most of all, I somehow regain my sati to realize and reconsider the other angles of view and life. I did share this moment of findings with my family, and do hope that I can cultivate more thorough understandings and practices of Dhamma to my son, Pordee, from the teachings of Phra Ajahn. Dhamma book is another channel to share the teachings with others, friends and Dhamma friends, and hope that they will have their own approach to appreciate the teachings and apply to their everyday life as well.

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