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Cover for 小船與大山
小船向大山搖櫓而去,搖櫓者是誰?這是一本非常特 別的中譯書,因為此書的作者是一位南傳佛教的長老比 丘,現為英國南傳阿姜查森林佛教傳統阿瓦拉馬諦寺的住 持,此書的內容是與藏傳佛教大圓滿教法相對應的巴利經 典及泰國森林傳統禪法的教法,此書中文版的翻譯則為漢 傳佛教的出家人。這些特勝的元素加在一起,不知淬鍊出 什麼樣的佛教書籍,實在有待讀者仔細玩味。 因緣際會讓譯者協助審訂《小船與大山》的中文初譯 稿。遠因是譯者曾在阿姜阿馬羅的道場參加各三個月的結 冬安居和結夏安居。安居結束之後,心中曾經發願要將阿 姜阿馬羅的著作翻譯成中文,以報答安居的恩情。
Hierdie boek is 'n vertaling van Small Boat, Great Mountain
Cover for The Last Breath
The following story is of a person who was able to utilise the adverse circumstances of incarceration Death Row in San Quentin Prison and develop the inner resources to face his death with courage, grace and compassion. I had the good fortune to be invited to act as spiritual advisor fo his final days.
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