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Ajahn Sucitto

Luang Por Sucitto was the abbot of Cittaviveka – Chithurst Buddhist Monastery from 1992 until 2014. He was born in London and went forth as a bhikkhu in Thailand in March 1976.... 阅读更多

Luang Por Sucitto was the abbot of Cittaviveka – Chithurst Buddhist Monastery from 1992 until 2014. He was born in London and went forth as a bhikkhu in Thailand in March 1976. Luang Por Sucitto returned to Britain in 1978 and took up training under Luang Por Sumedho at the Hampstead Buddhist Vihara. In 1979 he was one of the small group of monks, led by Luang Por Sumedho, who established Cittaviveka – Chithurst Buddhist Monastery.

In 1981 he was sent up to Northumberland to set up a small monastery in Harnham, which subsequently became Aruna Ratanagiri Monastery. In 1984 he accompanied Luang Por Sumedho in establishing Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in Hertfordshire. In 1992 he was appointed abbot of Cittaviveka. On October 26, 2014, he resigned the post, but has continued teaching as before.

Luang Por Sucitto's main work has been in teaching, editing and writing, although he was also largely responsible for the creation of the protocols and standards that flesh out the Ten Precept training of the Sīladharā (nuns) Order.

Cover for Atmen wie ein Buddha
Dieses Buch nahm seinen Anfang als ein Essay, mit dem Ziel, die Praxis der Achtsamkeit auf den Atem (ānāpānasati) um einige Hinweise zu ergänzen. Ich wollte meine Aussagen kurz und bündig auf den Punkt bringen, in dem Bewusstsein, dass es bereits zahlreiche Meditationshandbücher gibt, ebenso wie etliche gründliche Darstellungen zur Theorie und Praxis der Achtsamkeit auf den Atem. Doch angesichts der Tatsache, dass diese Meditation... 阅读更多

Dieses Buch nahm seinen Anfang als ein Essay, mit dem Ziel, die Praxis der Achtsamkeit auf den Atem (ānāpānasati) um einige Hinweise zu ergänzen. Ich wollte meine Aussagen kurz und bündig auf den Punkt bringen, in dem Bewusstsein, dass es bereits zahlreiche Meditationshandbücher gibt, ebenso wie etliche gründliche Darstellungen zur Theorie und Praxis der Achtsamkeit auf den Atem. Doch angesichts der Tatsache, dass diese Meditation von so entscheidender Bedeutung ist, erscheint es meines Erachtens hilfreich, hier auch frische Ansätze einzubringen. Und ich habe festgestellt, dass die Art und Weise, wie ich die Achtsamkeit auf den Atem verstehe und an sie herangehe, sich zwar von der Methode, die man mir ursprünglich beibrachte, etwas unterscheidet, dass sie sich aber dennoch mit ihrer ursprünglichen Sutta-Darstellung im Einklang befindet.

这本书是Breathing like a Buddha的翻译
Cover for Clarté et Calme Pour les Gens Occupés
Les pages suivantes présentent des astuces pour trouver clarté et calme en quelques minutes. Elles peuvent être mises en pratique dans toutes sortes de situations – en moins de temps qu’il ne faut pour boire une tasse de thé. Si vous avez une vie très chargée, ce guide pourrait vous aider à sortir du rythme frénétique du quotidien et vous donner un peu d’air. Ces... 阅读更多

Les pages suivantes présentent des astuces pour trouver clarté et calme en quelques minutes. Elles peuvent être mises en pratique dans toutes sortes de situations – en moins de temps qu’il ne faut pour boire une tasse de thé. Si vous avez une vie très chargée, ce guide pourrait vous aider à sortir du rythme frénétique du quotidien et vous donner un peu d’air. Ces suggestions pourraient aussi vous montrer un chemin pour méditer, mais ce sera à vous de voir, avec l’aide d’autres manuels.

Sachez que par souci de concision, je m’en suis tenu à l’essentiel. Ce qui suit est comme un sachet de pois déshydratés ou un repas lyophilisé de randonneur. Ajoutez votre propre eau et laissez mijoter ! J’espère que ce guide vous aidera.

Ajahn Sucitto

(Version Française: Amy Barrett)

这本书是Clarity and Calm的翻译
Cover for On Your Own Two Feet
A GUIDE TO STANDING MEDITATION As standing is something that we do, why not do it with full awareness? After all, standing was one of the positions that the Buddha recommended as a proper basis for mindfulness. Wisely cultivated, it takes strain out of the body, encourages balance and inner stability – and is a support for full liberation. In this guide, Ajahn Sucitto adds... 阅读更多


As standing is something that we do, why not do it with full awareness? After all, standing was one of the positions that the Buddha recommended as a proper basis for mindfulness. Wisely cultivated, it takes strain out of the body, encourages balance and inner stability – and is a support for full liberation.

In this guide, Ajahn Sucitto adds practical details to the establishment and development of this practice. It is for beginners and experienced meditators alike.

Cover for Chiarezza e Calma
Le pagine che seguono offrono dei mezzi per fare chiarezza e trovare calma nel giro di pochi minuti. Possono essere messi in pratica all’interno di un ventaglio di situazioni ordinarie – nel tempo che ti occorrerebbe per bere una tazza di tè. Se vivi una vita piena, questo manuale potrebbe esserti utile per uscire dal ritmo di velocità della giornata e farti guadagnare tempo. Questi... 阅读更多

Le pagine che seguono offrono dei mezzi per fare chiarezza e trovare calma nel giro di pochi minuti. Possono essere messi in pratica all’interno di un ventaglio di situazioni ordinarie – nel tempo che ti occorrerebbe per bere una tazza di tè. Se vivi una vita piena, questo manuale potrebbe esserti utile per uscire dal ritmo di velocità della giornata e farti guadagnare tempo. Questi suggerimenti potrebbero anche fornirti un modo di meditare – ma ciò dipende da te e un’altra guida.

这本书是Clarity and Calm的翻译
Cover for Breathing like a Buddha
This book began as an essay to add some guiding notes to the practice of mindfulness of breathing (ānāpānasati). The intention was to be concise, with the understanding that plenty of meditation manuals are available, as are several thorough expositions of the theory and practice of mindfulness of breathing. However, as this meditation is so crucial, it seems useful to contribute any fresh approaches. And... 阅读更多

This book began as an essay to add some guiding notes to the practice of mindfulness of breathing (ānāpānasati). The intention was to be concise, with the understanding that plenty of meditation manuals are available, as are several thorough expositions of the theory and practice of mindfulness of breathing. However, as this meditation is so crucial, it seems useful to contribute any fresh approaches. And I have noticed that the way I understand and approach mindfulness of breathing is both somewhat different from what I was originally taught, and yet can fit the original sutta presentation.

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Cover for Kamma and the End of Kamma (2nd Edition)
This book is a substantially revised and expanded version of the 2009 original. It explores the link between external action and mind cultivation – both of which are forms of the kamma that leads to liberation. The book teaches formal meditation practices, the role of devotion, aspects of dependent origination, and the need to establish skilful relationships – kalyānamitta – and the cessation of suffering... 阅读更多

This book is a substantially revised and expanded version of the 2009 original. It explores the link between external action and mind cultivation – both of which are forms of the kamma that leads to liberation. The book teaches formal meditation practices, the role of devotion, aspects of dependent origination, and the need to establish skilful relationships – kalyānamitta – and the cessation of suffering and stress.

Cover for Das kostbarste Geschenk
Diese Sammlung mit Dhamma-Reflexionen von Ajahn Sucitto aus der Zeit von 1985 bis 2017 wurde anlässlich seines 70. Geburtstages erstellt (2019). Sie entstand aus der Motivation der Dankbarkeit und Wertschätzung vieler seiner Schüler und Schülerinnen, und als Würdigung für sein mehr als 30-jähriges kontinuierliches Wirken als Dhamma-Lehrer und spiritueller Freund.
这本书是The Most Precious Gift的翻译
Cover for เส้นทางภาวนา
คู่มือที่ท่านถืออยู่นี้ จะพาท่านเดินทางไกล กลับไปสู่กายใจของตนเองตามวิถีทางของ พระพุทธองค์ ไม่ว่าท่านจะนับถือศาสนาใด ก็ตาม เมื่อใดที่ท่านเริ่มหันมาใส่ใจต่อสิ่ง ต่าง ๆ ที่กำลังผุดขึ้นกลางใจ และใช้แนวทาง จากหนังสือเล่มนี้พาใจของท่านมาสู่ความ ตื่นรู้ ออกจากความหลงหรือความทุกข์ และไปเข้าใจเหตุที่ก่อให้เกิดความทุกข์ ในใจของท่าน เมื่อนั้นท่านจะเกิดความสว่าง ขึ้นกลางใจ จนจิตพบความสงบ และสันติ
这本书是Meditation – An Outline的翻译
Cover for An Outline of Buddhism
A great variety of forms of religious practice are associated with the word ‘Buddhism’. However, they all take Siddhattha Gotama, who lived and taught in northern India some 2,500 years ago, as their source or inspiration. It was he who became known as the ‘Buddha’ – that is ‘the Awakened One’, one who has attained great wisdom through their own efforts.
Cover for Claridad y Calma
En las siguientes páginas se ofrecen métodos para encontrar calma y claridad en unos minutos. Se pueden poner en práctica en una amplia gama de situaciones nada especiales –en el tiempo que te lleva tomar una taza de té–. Si llevas una vida agitada, esta guía te puede ayudar a salir de la aceleración del día y dedicarte tiempo. Estas sugerencias también pueden ofrecerte un... 阅读更多

En las siguientes páginas se ofrecen métodos para encontrar calma y claridad en unos minutos. Se pueden poner en práctica en una amplia gama de situaciones nada especiales –en el tiempo que te lleva tomar una taza de té–. Si llevas una vida agitada, esta guía te puede ayudar a salir de la aceleración del día y dedicarte tiempo. Estas sugerencias también pueden ofrecerte un recurso para meditar –pero eso depende de ti, y de alguna otra guía de meditación–. Ten presente que para mantener el texto breve, he sido muy conciso. El texto que figura a continuación es como una bolsa de alimentos deshidratados. Añade tu propia agua y espera. Espero que te sea de ayuda.

这本书是Clarity and Calm的翻译