4 фильтры

Ajahn Amaro

Born in England in 1956, Ajahn Amaro received his BSc. in Psychology and Physiology from the University of London. Spiritual searching led him to Thailand, where he went to Wat Pah Nanachat,... Читать далее

Born in England in 1956, Ajahn Amaro received his BSc. in Psychology and Physiology from the University of London. Spiritual searching led him to Thailand, where he went to Wat Pah Nanachat, a Forest Tradition monastery established for Western disciples of Thai meditation master Ajahn Chah, who ordained him as a bhikkhu in April 1979. He returned to England in October 1979 and joined Ajahn Sumedho at the newly established Chithurst Monastery in West Sussex.

In 1983 he made an 830-mile trek from Chithurst to a new branch monastery, Harnham Vihāra, near the Scottish border. In July 1985, he moved to Amaravati Buddhist Monastery north of London and resided there for many years. In the early 1990s, he started making trips to California every year, eventually establishing Abhayagiri Monastery near Ukiah, Northern California, in June of 1996.

He lived at Abhayagiri until the summer of 2010, holding the position of co-abbot along with Ajahn Pasanno. At that time, he then moved back to Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in England to take up the position of abbot of this large monastic community.

Today is the 100th day after the passing away of the king of Thailand: His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Also, at this time, a good friend of the sangha, Yom Ploen Petchkua, is very close to the end of her life. She was diagnosed with five brain tumours a few months ago and I had the chance to go down and see her with Ajahn... Читать далее

Today is the 100th day after the passing away of the king of Thailand: His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Also, at this time, a good friend of the sangha, Yom Ploen Petchkua, is very close to the end of her life. She was diagnosed with five brain tumours a few months ago and I had the chance to go down and see her with Ajahn Pasanno, and a number of monastic and lay friends in December, in her hometown in Songkla, southern Thailand.

Reflecting on these people – the king of Thailand and Yom Ploen – it is said in our Buddhist way of regarding things that these are people who have created a lot of merit, a lot of puñña in their lives. The king of Thailand dedicated himself, for the 70 years that he was on the throne, through living in a skilful way and endeavouring to establish wholesome principles of conduct in the hearts of the Thai people, to help them in genuine, practical and efficient ways: developing water systems, gardening systems, systems of communication and so forth. Yom Ploen has been very involved in supporting our monasteries and helping to publish many Dhamma books. In the last few days I have been conscious of giving away books that she was directly involved in producing books about the funeral of Luang Por Chah and the foundation of Amaravati. Over the years she has been responsible for bringing into being dozens of different Dhamma books.

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Dieses kleine Buch, das in einer Reihe von Lektionen Meditationshilfen und -techniken für Anfänger beschreibt, basiert auf einer sechswöchigen Serie von Lektionen, die 2002 in Mendocino in Kalifornien gegeben wurden. Diese Lektionen beschreiben buddhistische Meditationstechniken. Die Ideen und Prinzipien für die Meditationspraxis, die in ihnen erklärt werden, stammen eindeutig aus der buddhistischen Welt. Doch bedeutet das nicht, dass diese Meditationsanleitungen ausschließlich für Buddhisten hilfreich oder... Читать далее

Dieses kleine Buch, das in einer Reihe von Lektionen Meditationshilfen und -techniken für Anfänger beschreibt, basiert auf einer sechswöchigen Serie von Lektionen, die 2002 in Mendocino in Kalifornien gegeben wurden.

Diese Lektionen beschreiben buddhistische Meditationstechniken. Die Ideen und Prinzipien für die Meditationspraxis, die in ihnen erklärt werden, stammen eindeutig aus der buddhistischen Welt. Doch bedeutet das nicht, dass diese Meditationsanleitungen ausschließlich für Buddhisten hilfreich oder angemessen wären. Die Lektionen stellen einfache Mittel und Techniken zur Verfügung, die man benutzen kann, um das Leben friedlicher zu machen, um zu helfen, sich selbst und andere ein bisschen besser zu verstehen und in etwas mehr Harmonie mit der Welt zu leben.

Die Absicht für dieses Buch und jede dieser Lektionen ist, Methoden, Techniken und Prinzipien zur Verfügung zu stellen, die jedermann und jede Frau im Bereich seines oder ihres eigenen Lebens anwenden kann — unabhängig davon, ob man Humanist, Christ, Kommunist, Buddhist oder Anhänger irgend eines anderen Glaubenssystems ist.

Эта книга является переводом Finding The Missing Peace