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Cover for Introduction to Insight Meditation
The aim of this booklet is to serve as an introduction to the practice of Insight Meditation as taught within the tradition of Theravada Buddhism. You need not be familiar with the teachings of the Buddha to make use of it, although such knowledge can help to clarify any personal understanding you may develop through meditation.
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Cover for Inner Listening
There are a number of themes that are very familiar to people who practise Buddhist meditation: ‘mindfulness of breathing’, where you focus on the rhythm of the breath; ‘walking meditation’, that revolves around the feeling of the footsteps as you walk up and down a path; the internal repetition of a mantra, such as ‘Bud-dho’ – these are all designed to help ground the attention... Meer lezen

There are a number of themes that are very familiar to people who practise Buddhist meditation: ‘mindfulness of breathing’, where you focus on the rhythm of the breath; ‘walking meditation’, that revolves around the feeling of the footsteps as you walk up and down a path; the internal repetition of a mantra, such as ‘Bud-dho’ – these are all designed to help ground the attention in the presence of this very moment, this present reality.

Along with these more well-known methods there are many others that can serve a similar function. One of these is known as ‘inner listening’ or ‘meditation on the inner sound’ or, in Sanskrit, ‘nada yoga’. These terms all refer to attending to what has been called ‘the sound of silence’, or ‘the nada-sound’. ‘Nada’ is the Sanskrit word for ‘sound’ as well as being the Spanish word for ‘nothing’ – an interesting and accidentally meaningful coincidence.

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Cover for Beginning Our Day Volume 2
Five days a week, at Abhayagiri’s morning meeting, work tasks are assigned to the residents and guests living in the monastery. Shortly thereafter, one of the senior monks offers a brief Dhamma reflection so that the residents and guests have something meaningful to recollect throughout their day.
Cover for Beginning Our Day Volume 1
Five days a week, at Abhayagiri’s morning meeting, work tasks are assigned to the residents and guests living in the monastery. Shortly thereafter, one of the senior monks offers a brief Dhamma reflection so that the residents and guests have something meaningful to recollect throughout their day.
Cover for 解脫的滋味
《解脫的滋味》是非常吸引人的書名,因為身在萬丈紅 塵中的我們,無論僧俗,不是被工作、家人所纏縛,就是被 名韁利鎖所束縛,或被寺院的寺務所羈絆,而不得解脫。 英文版《解脫的滋味》已經印行第五版了,且內容有所 增補和刪改。我用來翻譯的版本有網路版與佛陀教育基金會 印行的版本,內容略有不同,尤其是阿姜查的略傳,佛陀教 育基金會印行的版本內容要詳細多了。由於英譯本內容太簡 略,經常語焉不詳,所以我必須一再的加以補充說明,以免 讀者閱讀後,有不知所云的困惑。 讀阿姜查的著作就像品嚐一頓豐盛的法筵,讀後除了充 滿法喜,也會有「心有戚戚焉」的感受。除了欣賞阿姜查通 達活潑的智慧,以及他的簡明、生活化、直指人心的開示外, 他的風趣、慈悲、耐心與苦行,也讓人讚嘆不已,讓吾人「雖 不能至,心嚮往之」。 宋朝的理學家程頤在<論語序說>中提到:「今人不會 讀書,如讀《論語》,未讀時是此等人,讀了後又只是此等 人,便是不曾讀。」同樣的,讀阿姜查的著作,未讀時,非 常執著、強硬強勢,放不下,讀後依然故我,我執我相仍非 常深重,依然「我最大」,很難相處,「便是不曾讀」。 《解脫的滋味》是我翻譯的第四本阿姜查的著作,其他 三本也是篇篇精彩,一代大師阿姜查的著作之所以如此受歡 迎,是因為他解門、行門俱佳,且不厭其煩的教導四眾弟子, 讓後人受益無窮,並緬懷他的慈悲、智慧與風姿。 最後,非常感謝姬天予和何彩熙兩位老師惠予校對,謹 此致謝。
Dit boek is een vertaling van A Taste of Freedom