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Ajahn Amaro

Born in England in 1956, Ajahn Amaro received his BSc. in Psychology and Physiology from the University of London. Spiritual searching led him to Thailand, where he went to Wat Pah Nanachat,... Skaityti daugiau

Born in England in 1956, Ajahn Amaro received his BSc. in Psychology and Physiology from the University of London. Spiritual searching led him to Thailand, where he went to Wat Pah Nanachat, a Forest Tradition monastery established for Western disciples of Thai meditation master Ajahn Chah, who ordained him as a bhikkhu in April 1979. He returned to England in October 1979 and joined Ajahn Sumedho at the newly established Chithurst Monastery in West Sussex.

In 1983 he made an 830-mile trek from Chithurst to a new branch monastery, Harnham Vihāra, near the Scottish border. In July 1985, he moved to Amaravati Buddhist Monastery north of London and resided there for many years. In the early 1990s, he started making trips to California every year, eventually establishing Abhayagiri Monastery near Ukiah, Northern California, in June of 1996.

He lived at Abhayagiri until the summer of 2010, holding the position of co-abbot along with Ajahn Pasanno. At that time, he then moved back to Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in England to take up the position of abbot of this large monastic community.

Cover for 突破入流初果
此书集结了阿马拉瓦蒂寺院 (Amaravati Monastery) 在 2012 年夏天举办的 13 天密集禅修时的开示,也可以说是《找回失去的宁静》这本书的延续。《找回失去的宁静》发表于 2011 年,是关于禅修的入门指引。与之相比,《突破入流初果》的定位更像是专用的工具箱,尤其强调智慧和内省在发展觉悟和心灵解脱中扮演的角色。 入流初果是声闻四果中的第一果,所谓“入流”,就是走入八正道,引向最终的觉悟解脱。之所以称为“突破”,是因为它是心灵修行上的一个转折点,具有重要的意义,一旦实现入流初果,最终的方向必然将是自由和解脱。 此书引用了大量佛经故事、作者的亲身经历以及其他相关事例来阐述重要的佛理,比如对“佛、法、僧”更深一层的理解,以及“十二缘起”、“戏论”是如何运作的,“自我”又是如何被构建的。还详细介绍了不同的禅修方法,包括基本的坐禅、行禅、身念住、内观禅,以及对“苦”、“无常”、“非我”的省思,对寂静之音、时间、空间的观照等,并对禅修中可能遇到的困难给出了实用的建议。对佛理的进一步理解和禅修的持续精进,能够帮助我们减轻甚至消除“身见结”、“戒禁取结”、“疑结”,在心灵追求的道路上实现不可逆转的解脱智慧。
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