Cover image for Die Insel
Cover image for Die Insel

NIBBĀNA (Nirvāna in Sanskrit) ist ein Wort, das verwendet wird, um eine Erfahrung zu beschreiben. Wenn das Herz frei von allen Verdunkelungen ist und sich in völliger Übereinstimmung mit der Natur, der letztendlichen Realität (Dhamma) befindet, erfährt es perfekten Frieden, Freude und Zufriedenheit. Diese Qualitäten werden durch das Wort Nibbāna ausgedrückt. Der Zweck dieses Buches ist... Tęsti

Cover image for Nourishing the Roots

A collection of four talks given by Ajahn Pasanno in January 2021. This booklet was first offered as a gift commemorating Abhayagiri’s 25th Anniversary and Ajahn Pasanno’s 72nd birthday.

Cover image for Visión Amplia, Corazón sin Límites

Charlas transcritas de Ajahn Pasanno y Ajahn Amaro. Ajahn Pasanno describe la práctica de los Brahmaviharas: benevolencia, compasión, alegría apreciativa y ecuanimidad. Ajahn Amaro ofrece una visión general del budismo Theravada y de las enseñanzas de Ajahn Chah sobre la aplicación de la consideración sabia y la Visión Correcta

Cover image for La Isla: Una antología de las enseñanzas del Buda sobre Nibbāna

Introducción de Ajahn Sumedho (fragmento) Una dificultad con la palabra Nibbāna es que su significado está más allá del poder de las palabras para describirlo. Es, esencialmente, indefinible. Otra dificultad es que muchos budistas ven Nibbāna como algo inalcanzable –tan elevado y remoto que no seríamos lo suficientemente merecedores siquiera de intentarlo–. O vemos Nibbāna como una... Tęsti

Cover image for Beneath the Bodhi Tree

A collection of teachings by Ajahn Pasanno published in 2018 with gratitude to Ajahn Pasanno. The four teachings included are “Gradual Instruction”, “Balancing the Mind”, “Enjoying the Breath” and “Beneath the Bodhi Tree”. The publication is on the occasion of the completion of the Reception Hall building and surrounding grounds as well as shortly preceding Ajahn Pasanno departing... Tęsti

Cover image for Abundant, Exalted, Immeasurable

When Luang Por Pasanno completed the teaching of the retreat that is the source of this book in September of 2008, a handful of us declared enthusiastically that we would produce a book so others could also benefit from this retreat. Time passed. My mother passed. The idea to put these teachings into a book resurfaced, but this time with a deeper intention. It felt like a wonderful tribute to my... Tęsti

Cover image for Don't Hold Back

Just as a bird, wherever it goes, flies with its wings as its only burden; so too is a monk content with a set of robes to provide for his body and alms-food to provide for his hunger. Wherever he goes, he takes only his barest necessities along. (D 11) I am delighted to be here for the twenty-fifth anniversary of Chithurst and the opening of the new Dhamma hall. This space is very beautiful... Tęsti

Cover image for On Becoming and Stopping

The word “becoming ” is an innocuous little term. It doesn’t really evoke much of an image or much feeling. But the reality is that it is because of the nature of becoming that we continually experience suffering. It is why we continually experience conflict. It is why we are continually dissatisfied. Becoming is why we continually opt to be scattered, confused and stupid rather than... Tęsti

Cover image for The Island
Cover image for The Island

A difficulty with the word ‘nibbāna’ is that its meaning is beyond the power of words to describe. It is, essentially, undefinable. Another difficulty is that many Buddhists see Nibbāna as something unobtainable – as so high and so remote that we’re not worthy enough to try for it. Or we see Nibbāna as a goal, as an unknown, undefined something that we should somehow try to attain.

Cover image for Like A River

Todd’s life was like a river that flows gently to make all who came to know him happy. He always cared about others without expecting anything in return. He shared his favorite toys, lunch money and allowances with friends in need, not to mention the many sweet smiles to encourage people to be happy. He taught us to be generous, kind, caring and forgiving. As one of his buddies, Stephen, put it... Tęsti

Cover image for A Dhamma Compass

A Dhamma Compass is a collection of three dhamma talks that Phra Ajahn gave in the three winter retreats during 2003-2005 at Abhayagiri. Debbie Stamp was most helpful and instrumental in ensuring that the manuscripts were ready and arrived in time. Ronna Kabatznick was the editor of the talks, and Dee Cope helped transcribe the talks, to whom all of us would like to record our thanks. Ajahn Amaro... Tęsti

Cover image for The Last Breath
Cover image for The Last Breath

The following story is of a person who was able to utilise the adverse circumstances of incarceration Death Row in San Quentin Prison and develop the inner resources to face his death with courage, grace and compassion. I had the good fortune to be invited to act as spiritual advisor fo his final days.

Cover image for The Dhamma and the Real World

We are often asked, “What does a Buddhist monastic know about real life?” This is a very good question because many people may think that we don’t have to deal with real life in the monastery: “Things are easy for you, but outside the monastery wall we have to deal with real life; we have a much more difficult job.” Their impression is that once you have given yourself to the holy life... Tęsti