Cover image for Happily Ever After. 5 Beyond

Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume:

  • The good, the bad and the unconditioned
  • ‘We need to talk about Nibbāna’
  • Suchness and the square root of minus one
  • Unshakeable well-being
  • ... Happily ever after

Cover image for Happily Ever After. 4 Money

Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume:

  • Buddhism and the pursuit of wealth
  • ‘How to live a Dhamma life in the capitalist world of today?’
  • A currency of well-being

Cover image for Happily Ever After. 3 People

Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume:

  • ‘What is the best religion?’
  • ‘Not my circus, not my monkeys’
  • ‘Who was Ajahn Chah?’

Cover image for Happily Ever After. 2 Emotion

Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume:

  • ‘Heroin or chocolate cake?’
  • ‘I am a Buddhist, why am I so angry?’
  • The importance of being bored, sad and lonely
  • ‘If you truly love me, don’t create me in your mind’

Cover image for Happily Ever After. 1 Reality

Reflections on life goals and priorities. In this volume:

  • ‘The Blue Pill or the Red Pill? Why Wake up When my Habits are so Pleasant?’
  • ‘Of course it’s happening in your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?’
  • Let the citta draw a picture

Cover image for Hinein-Hören
Cover image for Hinein-Hören

Es gibt eine Anzahl von Themen die Menschen, welche buddhistische Meditation praktizieren, sehr geläufig sind: „Atemachtsamkeit“, bei der man sich auf den Rhythmus des Atems fokussiert; „Gehmeditation“, die sich um das Spüren der Schritte dreht, während man einen Pfad auf- und abgeht; das innerliche Wiederholen eines Mantras, wie etwa „Bud-dho“ – diese sind alle dazu bestimmt zu... Tęsti

Cover image for Raízes e Correntes
Cover image for Raízes e Correntes

Este livro contém uma miscelânea de meus escritos, em vez de palestras transcritas, abrangendo minha vida como um ajahn na sangha ocidental da Tradição da Floresta da Tailândia. A primeira parte, “Raízes”, é principalmente histórica; seus capítulos apresentam Ajahn Chah, nosso fundador e nossa inspiração, e Ajahn Sumedho, que nos levou ao Reino Unido e além, e em seguida descreve... Tęsti

Cover image for Auf den Geist kommt’s an

Der Titel dieses Buchs, Auf den Geist kommt’s an, lenkt die Aufmerksamkeit zur geistigen Einstellung. Er weist darauf hin, wie enorm wichtig unsere Haltung ist, wenn der Geist Erfahrungen aufnimmt und verarbeitet, und er deutet auf jenen Aspekt der Dhamma-Praxis, alles zu unserem Lehrer zu machen. An unserem offenen Retreat 2017 im Amaravati-Kloster nahmen über 400 Menschen teil. Ajahn... Tęsti

Cover image for La Revelación
Cover image for La Revelación

ES UN HECHO NATURAL que el futuro es intrínsecamente incierto. No sabemos qué va a pasar en nuestra práctica. Puede que surjan grandes desafíos y dificultades extremas – quizá algún tipo de enfermedad o lesión, un obstáculo o reto al que nunca habías tenido que enfrentarte. Todo esto puede hacer emerger la sensación de que la situación te supera. O bien puede ocurrir que tu práctica... Tęsti

Cover image for อุเบกขา ธรรมสุดท้าย

อุเบกขายังไม่เป็นเพียงธรรมอันประณีตที่สุด และเป็นธรรมประการสุดท้ายในพรหมวิหาร สี่ – เครื่องอยู่อันประเสริฐของพรหมเท่านั้น... Tęsti

Cover image for Serenity Is the Final Word
Cover image for Serenity Is the Final Word

"I thought I would begin by offering a few reflections about equanimity or upekkhā. This is one of the most significant psychological, emotional qualities talked about in the Buddhist tradition. However, because we commonly translate the word upekkhā in English as ‘equanimity’, it can easily be overlooked or seen as something a bit insignificant, not so practical or even heartwarming, as... Tęsti

Cover image for Cheminer Vers la Paix Intérieure
Cover image for Cheminer Vers la Paix Intérieure

Ce livre décrit un ensemble d’outils et de techniques de méditation pour débutants. Ces enseignements proviennent d’une série de six semaines de cours donnés en 2002 à Mendocino en Californie. Ces leçons décrivent des techniques de méditation bouddhistes. Les idées et principes de la pratique de la méditation qui y sont expliqués sont bien sûr d’origine bouddhiste, mais ces... Tęsti

Cover image for L’Écoute Intérieure
Cover image for L’Écoute Intérieure

Il y a un certain nombre de thèmes qui sont très familiers à ceux qui pratiquent la méditation bouddhiste : « l’attention à la respiration » où l’on porte l’attention sur le rythme de la respiration ; la « méditation en marchant » qui se base sur la sensation des pas lorsqu’on va et vient sur un sentier de méditation ; la répétition intérieure d’un mantra tel que ... Tęsti

Cover image for Catastrophe/Apostrophe: L’enseignement du Bouddha sur la coproduction conditionnée / sa cessation

Au cours des dernières années, j'ai dirigé des retraites résidentielles spécifiquement sur le thème de la coproduction conditionnée à au moins cinq reprises – à Amaravati au Royaume- Uni, à Mae Rim, en Thaïlande, et avec Le Refuge, au Monastère de Ségriès, dans le sud de la France. Divers aspects de ce thème riche et essentiel de l'enseignement bouddhique ont été abordés en ces... Tęsti

Cover image for 突破入流初果
Cover image for 突破入流初果

此书集结了阿马拉瓦蒂寺院 (Amaravati Monastery) 在 2012 年夏天举办的 13 天密集禅修时的开示,也可以说是《找回失去的宁静》这本书的延续。《找回失去的宁静》发表于 2011

Cover image for Die Insel
Cover image for Die Insel

NIBBĀNA (Nirvāna in Sanskrit) ist ein Wort, das verwendet wird, um eine Erfahrung zu beschreiben. Wenn das Herz frei von allen Verdunkelungen ist und sich in völliger Übereinstimmung mit der Natur, der letztendlichen Realität (Dhamma) befindet, erfährt es perfekten Frieden, Freude und Zufriedenheit. Diese Qualitäten werden durch das Wort Nibbāna ausgedrückt. Der Zweck dieses Buches ist... Tęsti

Cover image for My Way or The Middle Way
Cover image for My Way or The Middle Way

The theme for this Dhamma talk is ‘My way or the Middle Way?’ As people might recognize, the title was borrowed from the famous Frank Sinatra song, written by Paul Anka, ‘My Way’, which is the supreme anthem of self-confidence: Through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out. I faced it all and I stood tall, And did it my way!’ Confidence is definitely a part of the... Tęsti

Cover image for ทางสายกลาง หรือ ทางสายฉัน

เมื่อเราสามารถหาทางสายกลางพบ จะไม่เพียงแค่ได้ผ่อนคลายและสงบสุขเท่านั้น แต่ยังได้ผลลัพธ์ที่ดีอีกด้วย... Tęsti

Cover image for Copper Isle Miles
Cover image for Copper Isle Miles

This photo-journal records a pilgrimage made in Sri Lanka in November of 2019. I had been invited numerous times to visit this ancient seedbed of Theravāda Buddhism but, prior to this present occasion, had always declined the offers. Thee reason for this was not a disinterest in the country, with its ancient Buddhist traditions and numerous holy places, rather it was that, if I was going to go, I... Tęsti

Cover image for Kāmanīta, el peregrino
Cover image for Kāmanīta, el peregrino

…Comencé a leerlo, y muy pronto me di cuenta: «Bueno, bueno, bueno…es una novela budista. Y escrita por un oscuro académico danés». Era “Kāmanīta, el Peregrino”, al que ahora —unos diez años después— siento como un viejo, viejo amigo. ​Mientras comencé a leer, pasajes familiares aparecían de pronto en las páginas: caracteres y declaraciones bien conocidas; incidentes... Tęsti

Cover image for Catastrophe/Apostrophe: The Buddha’s Teachings on Dependent Origination/Cessation

Over the last few years I have led residential retreats specifically on the theme of dependent origination on at least five occasions – at Amaravati in the U.K., in Mae Rim, Thailand, and with Le Refuge, at Monastère de Ségriès, in the south of France. Various aspects of this rich, essential theme of Buddhist teaching have been focused upon in these different situations, according to the... Tęsti

Cover image for Mind Is What Matters: the Phenomenological Approach of the Buddha

THE TITLE OF THIS BOOK, Mind Is What Matters, brings attention to attitude. It points to the enormous difference our attitude makes as the mind receives and processes experience, and it points to that aspect of Dhamma practice of making everything our teacher. In 2017 at our open retreat at Amaravati Monastery, there were over 400 people attending. Ajahn Sumedho gave teachings every evening, and... Tęsti

Cover image for Forgiving and Compassion
Cover image for Forgiving and Compassion

Sunday Talk on the 18th September 2016 Good afternoon to you all. The theme for the Sunday talk this week is ‘Forgiving and Compassion’ so I will offer some reflections around these significant areas of our lives. I will start with forgiving. This is a very important aspect of spiritual training and, as a way of life, it is a counterpoint to the attitude of being unforgiving, the attitude... Tęsti