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Cover for Die Vier Edlen Wahrheiten
Bei der Eröffnung des Tempels in Amaravati 1999 berichtete Lord Young, der Verfasser des „Manifesto“ der englischen Labour Party, wie er zum ersten Mal einen Vortrag von Ajahn Sumedho gehört und dabei verwundert ein zunehmendes Wohlgefühl verspührt hatte. Er hätte noch nie so entspannt auf einem Sofa gesessen – war das die wohltuede Wirkung des Dhamma?
Questo libro è una traduzione di The Four Noble Truths (Illustrated Edition)
Cover for Dhammapada Reflections - Vol. One
This book contains a selection of 52 verses taken from The Dhammapada. Accompanying each verse is a short paragraph by Ajahn Munindo, a Theravadin Buddhist monk and currently abbot of Aruna Ratanagiri monastery in Northumberland, UK. The complete Dhammapada contains 423 verses, each a timeless example of the Buddha’s radiant wisdom. They are: ‘very old artefacts that miraculously contain within them the profound utterances of... Leggi di più

This book contains a selection of 52 verses taken from The Dhammapada. Accompanying each verse is a short paragraph by Ajahn Munindo, a Theravadin Buddhist monk and currently abbot of Aruna Ratanagiri monastery in Northumberland, UK. The complete Dhammapada contains 423 verses, each a timeless example of the Buddha’s radiant wisdom. They are: ‘very old artefacts that miraculously contain within them the profound utterances of the Buddha’, as Thomas Jones says in the Afterword of “A Dhammapada for Contemplation” 2006, the publication from which these verses are taken.

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