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Ajahn Chah

Ajahn Chah was born in a village in Ubon Province, North-East Thailand. At the age of nine he went to live in the local monastery. He was ordained as a novice, and... Leggi di più
Cover for Una Pace Incrollabile
Il seguente discorso fu informalmente offerto dal Ven. Ajahn Chah a un monaco studioso, venuto a rendergli omaggio. La vera ragione per studiare il dhamma, gli insegnamenti del Buddha, è quella di trovare un modo per trascendere la sofferenza e realizzare la pace e la felicità. Sia che studiamo i fenomeni fisici o mentali, la mente (citta) o i fattori psicologici (cetasika), siamo sulla retta... Leggi di più
Cover for The Collected Teachings of Ajahn Chah
THE VENERABLE AJAHN CHAH often reminded his disciples that the Buddha was born in a forest, was enlightened in a forest and passed away in a forest. Ajahn Chah lived nearly all his adult life following a style of Buddhist practice known these days as the Thai Forest Tradition, a tradition which adheres to the spirit of the way espoused by the Buddha himself, and... Leggi di più
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