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Ajahn Amaro

Born in England in 1956, Ajahn Amaro received his BSc. in Psychology and Physiology from the University of London. Spiritual searching led him to Thailand, where he went to Wat Pah Nanachat,... Leggi di più

Born in England in 1956, Ajahn Amaro received his BSc. in Psychology and Physiology from the University of London. Spiritual searching led him to Thailand, where he went to Wat Pah Nanachat, a Forest Tradition monastery established for Western disciples of Thai meditation master Ajahn Chah, who ordained him as a bhikkhu in April 1979. He returned to England in October 1979 and joined Ajahn Sumedho at the newly established Chithurst Monastery in West Sussex.

In 1983 he made an 830-mile trek from Chithurst to a new branch monastery, Harnham Vihāra, near the Scottish border. In July 1985, he moved to Amaravati Buddhist Monastery north of London and resided there for many years. In the early 1990s, he started making trips to California every year, eventually establishing Abhayagiri Monastery near Ukiah, Northern California, in June of 1996.

He lived at Abhayagiri until the summer of 2010, holding the position of co-abbot along with Ajahn Pasanno. At that time, he then moved back to Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in England to take up the position of abbot of this large monastic community.

Cover for 小乘、大乘、 金剛乘和大道
比丘阿摩羅講於1991年7月萬佛城禪修期 王青楠博士 中譯 歷史上對於大乘,南傳佛法的功德有著不同的觀點。如果你多讀文獻,就會發現,雖然佛教修持的方式多采多姿,可彼此間的緣卻極為密切。 我剛到泰國國際森林寺時,不僅沒讀過任何佛書,甚至也沒有真要當和尚的意思。我是個自由自在地追求心靈生活的流浪者,碰巧到了蘇美度法師幾年前所建立的森林寺院。在我看來,這不過是個讓我免費吃住幾宿的地方,根本沒想到,十二、三年之後我會做現在所做的事。當我請一位和尚介紹一點佛教,讓我知道一點他們生活的感受時,其中一位很快就遞給我一本禪師的開示,接著說「不用去讀上座部的文獻了,非常枯燥。讀這本書罷,其內容和我們做的差不多,讀了就會知道一些我們的修行情形了。」我心想,這些人顯然並不太執著自己的傳統。那本書名是《禪心;初學者之心》。 所以從一開始我們就可以看出,雖然某一國家可能強調某一種佛教,可人不一定要受其約束。在那裡幾個月之後,我才聽到「上座部」和「大乘」的名詞,更不用說其觀念上的差異了。在現實生活中,兩者的差異不大。可當你做了許多思考,你寫歷史、寫書、涉獵許多宗教生活的政治層面時,兩者的差異就出現了。 我聽蘇美度法師回憶過好幾次,說在他出家的第一年,他用虛雲老和尚禪七開示的方法修行,做為他修禪的基本方法。到 Wat Pah Pong, 後,阿姜查尊者(Ajahn Chah)問他用過甚麼方法修禪。最初他想,「尊者一定會讓我放棄原有的,而按他的方式修行。」可當蘇美度法師講述了自己的修行,並且說效果相當好之後,尊者說,「很好,繼續修下去。」 因此我們可以從中看到修行目的強烈共同性。雖然在歷史上的傳統或許有所不同,但兩者之間卻是非常一致的。我們開始看到不同的佛教傳統都在講些甚麼,雖然被劃分成小乘、大乘和金剛乘的不同修行方式,但基本上都只是關於心態的不同標籤。如果有智慧地使用傳統,它們就會談到我們內心的一切方面,從最自私世俗的,到最高尚的,談到我們生活的一切層次,只是當被誤解時,當人以固定觀念看待問題時,衝突就發生了。
Questo libro è una traduzione di The Lesser, The Greater, The Diamond and the Way