3 फ़िल्टर
साफ़ करें

Ajahn Jayasaro

Ajahn Jayasaro (Shaun Michael Chiverton) was born on the Isle of Wight, England in 1958. In 1978 he became a disciple of Ajahn Chah, one of Thailand’s most renowned Buddhist monks and... और पढ़ें
Cover for Quietud que fluye
Cover for Quietud que fluye

Quietud que fluye

Ajahn Jayasaro (2023)
La actitud completa de Luang Por hacia la vida era tal que me motivaba para querer entrenarme y vivir como un bhikkhu. Para mí, él era el ejemplo viviente del resultado de la meditación budista en la tradición tailandesa del bosque. Luang Por me inspiraba. Al vivir cerca de él y llegar a confiar en él —escuchándolo, mientras comenzaba a comprender el lenguaje— descubrí el... और पढ़ें
यह पुस्तक Stillness Flowing का अनुवाद है
Cover for Cultivar El Árbol
Uno de los símiles favoritos de Ajahn Chah ilustra la idea del esfuerzo correcto. Decía que, al plantar un árbol, la gente sabia reconoce que su responsabilidad es la de regarlo y protegerlo de los enemigos. Saben que no pueden controlar la rapidez de crecimiento del árbol, o la dulzura del sabor de sus frutos —esos son asuntos que decide la naturaleza—. De manera similar,... और पढ़ें
Cover for Visto en su Verdadera Luz
Aunque nunca he sido un fotógrafo, siempre me ha gustado la fotografía. En el 2011 decidí producir un libro del Dhamma que pudiera ser de interés para mucha de la gente en Tailandia que habitualmente no lee libros del Dhamma. Este sería un libro de fotografías. Solicité fotos sobre cualquier tema a todos mis estudiantes, y a través de ellos, a sus familiares y amigos.... और पढ़ें
यह पुस्तक Seen in Their True Light का अनुवाद है
Cover for Stillness Flowing
Although it has been my intention that this book should be, as far as possible, a biography as opposed to a hagiography, I am not sure that I have been completely successful. My love for Luang Por and my belief in his enlightenment inevitably colour the text. What I have not done is suppress any scandalous or embarrassing information out of concern for his good... और पढ़ें
Español में भी उपलब्ध
Cover for Without and Within
The publication of this book, which is to be made available at hotels and other accommodations, meets a long-standing need. There have been others in the past who have begun and then finally abandoned such a project. This book finally succeeds in remedying an important lack. Ajahn Jayasaro has written this book in the form of questions and answers, making it interesting and not overly-academic... और पढ़ें
Cover for Seen in Their True Light
Last year I decided to produce a Dhamma book that would be of interest to the many people in Thailand who do not usually read Dhamma books. It would be a book of photographs. I asked for photos on any subject at all from my students and through them their families and friends. In all I received some three or four thousand images, which I... और पढ़ें
Español में भी उपलब्ध
Cover for Mindfulness Precepts & Crashing in the same car
It has always been my intention to share the teachings of Phra Ajahn Jayasaro with other lay followers and those who are seeking the best way to live their lives. In every attendance of the teachings, I have always received good thoughts and advice to help disentangle frustrations in my normal busy life, and most of all, I somehow regain my sati to realize and... और पढ़ें
Cover for Daughters and Sons
Many years ago before I was ordained as a monk, I believed that wisdom came from experience. So I left my home country of England for India, roaming around and gathering life experience in Europe and Asia. The more difficult it was, the more I liked it because I felt that difficulties helped me to know myself better, and that was beneficial to my life.... और पढ़ें
Cover for On Love
This small book began life as a Dhamma talk given in the Thai language. After I had edited the transcribed version it was printed in Thailand under the title Lak Rak. One of the readers of that book, Varangkana Lamsam, found it useful and decided that she would like to arrange the printing of an English version as a gift of Dhamma to fellow lay... और पढ़ें
italiano में भी उपलब्ध
Cover for The Real Practice
Cover for The Real Practice

The Real Practice

Ajahn Jayasaro (2008)
Three talks to the monastic community of Wat Pah Nanachat by Ajahn Jayasaro: - Giving Yourself up to Things - Khanti – Patient Endurance - The Real Practice