3 filtros
Cover for Im Warteraum des Buddha sitzen
Mit dem obigen Dhammapadavers 331 wird meist eine Geschichte verbunden, in der Mara versucht, den Buddha zur Königsmacht und Weltherrschaft zu verführen. Darauf würde sich der Buddha aber nie einlassen. Er war nicht daran interessiert, Macht über andere zu besitzen. Vielmehr ging es ihm darum, Menschen zu zeigen, wie sie Herrschaft über ihr eigenes Leben ausüben können. Seine ganze Lehre deutet auf den wahren Ursprung... Leer más
Este libro es una traducción de Sitting in the Buddha’s Waiting Room
Cover for In Any  Given Moment
With a focus on gratitude, Ajahn Munindo reflects back over his life as a Buddhist monk. He particularly contemplates how very different communities have supported his spiritual journey. He concludes by expanding on his ‘source-oriented’ approach to Buddhist practice.
Cover for Servant of Reality
Servant of Reality is a companion volume to Alert To The Needs Of The Journey (Aruno Publications 2018). Each chapter of this small book stands alone, but readers might also find benefit from reading them in the sequence in which they are presented.
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Cover for Dhammapada Reflections - Vol. Two
This Dhammapada Reflections, Volume 2 follows on from Volume 1, which was printed in 2009. Once again it comprises a selection of 52 quotes from A Dhammapada for Contemplation (2006) with comments. These quotes and comments were previously published as email messages sent out each new- and full-moon to participants in our Dhammasakaccha on-line correspondence community, which currently has about 600 participants.
Cover for Dhammapada Reflections - Vol. One
This book contains a selection of 52 verses taken from The Dhammapada. Accompanying each verse is a short paragraph by Ajahn Munindo, a Theravadin Buddhist monk and currently abbot of Aruna Ratanagiri monastery in Northumberland, UK. The complete Dhammapada contains 423 verses, each a timeless example of the Buddha’s radiant wisdom. They are: ‘very old artefacts that miraculously contain within them the profound utterances of... Leer más
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