Ajahn Jayasaro
Ordained in 1980

Ajahn Jayasaro (Shaun Michael Chiverton) was born on the Isle of Wight, England in 1958. In 1978 he became a disciple of Ajahn Chah, one of Thailand’s most renowned Buddhist monks and meditation masters, at Wat Pah Pong forest monastery in Northeast Thailand. He took full ordination, with Ajahn Chah as his preceptor, in 1980.
After his initial five-year monastic training, Ajahn Jayasaro went on an extended solitary retreat before taking on teaching and administrative duties. Over the next several years he alternated between periods of retreat and service to his monastic lineage. During this time he was entrusted by the elders of his order with writing the official biography of his teacher, Ajahn Chah. In 1997 he assumed the position of abbot of Wat Pah Nanachat, the international monastery of Ajahn Chah’s lineage, where he remained until the end of 2002.
Since early 2003 Ajahn Jayasaro has been living in a hermitage at the foot of Khao Yai Mountain National Park. The Dhamma teachings and meditation retreats he gives at regular intervals at a nearby retreat centre offer inspiration to both lay Buddhists and monastics. He is also a key figure in the movement to integrate Buddhist developmental principles into the Thai education system. Many of his Dhamma talks are broadcast on radio, television and digital media.
Ajahn Jayasaro has written many books on Buddhist themes in the Thai language, a number of which have been translated into other languages, including Chinese, French, Italian and Portuguese. His latest English works, 'without and within' is a general introduction to the Theravada Buddhist tradition. And the recently published ‘Stillness Flowing,’ is an important biographical work that details the life and teachings of Ajahn Chah which took over two decades in the making. In 2011, Ajahn Jayasaro was granted an honorary doctorate in Buddhist pedagogy by Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. In 2019 he received a monastic title of Phra Rajabajaramanit and in 2020 Phra Thepphacharayanamuni from His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn Phra Vajiraklaochaoyuhua. He was also granted Thai citizenship by royal decree in 2020, at which time Somdet Phra Buddhaghosacariya (P. A. Payutto) kindly gave him a Thai family name of ‘Potanuwat.’ In 2021 he was honored with a monastic title of Phra Dhammaphacharayanamuni.

Quietud que fluye
2023 — Español
La actitud completa de Luang Por hacia la vida era tal que me motivaba para querer entrenarme y vivir como un bhikkhu. Para mí, él era el ejemplo viviente del resultado de...

Aus der Feder eines guten Freundes
2022 — Deutsch
Mit seinen handschriftlich verfassten Dhamma-Reflexionen inspiriert Ajahn Jayasāro jede Woche eine große und wachsende Leserschaft weltweit. Sowohl die äußere Form als auch die Art der inhaltlichen Vermittlung der buddhistischen Lehre gelten als...

От сердца и руки
2021 — Pусский
Впоследнее время я писал от руки небольшие тексты о Дхамме. Благодаря современным технологиям стало возможным поделиться ими с изучающими Дхамму по всему миру. В результате многочисленных просьб собрать все тексты в одном...

Cultivar El Árbol
2021 — Español
Uno de los símiles favoritos de Ajahn Chah ilustra la idea del esfuerzo correcto. Decía que, al plantar un árbol, la gente sabia reconoce que su responsabilidad es la de regarlo y...

2020 — italiano
Questo piccolo libro prese vita come discorso di Dhamma offerto in lingua thailandese.

Visto en su Verdadera Luz
2019 — Español
Aunque nunca he sido un fotógrafo, siempre me ha gustado la fotografía. En el 2011 decidí producir un libro del Dhamma que pudiera ser de interés para mucha de la gente en...

Stillness Flowing
2018 — English
Although it has been my intention that this book should be, as far as possible, a biography as opposed to a hagiography, I am not sure that I have been completely successful....

Sobre o Amor
2018 — Português
Este livro tenta trazer alguma clareza sobre a temática do amor e das relações, visto para o praticante espiritual ser sobejamente importante ter uma compreensão clara destas dinâmicas de forma a poder...

Por Fora e Por Dentro
2018 — Português
Este livro pretende oferecer uma introdução aos ensinamentos do Buda, o que lançará alguma luz num assunto que, para os não-budistas, pode parecer tão inesperadamente racional quão exoticamente estranho.

Quelques Enseignements
2018 — Français
Ce livre présente une sélection de dix enseignements d’Ajahn Jayasaro. Ces enseignements ont été donnés entre 1995 et 2006, principalement en Thaïlande, et ont été retranscrits et traduits de l’anglais ou du...

Without and Within
2013 — English
The publication of this book, which is to be made available at hotels and other accommodations, meets a long-standing need. There have been others in the past who have begun and then...

Seen in Their True Light
2012 — English
Last year I decided to produce a Dhamma book that would be of interest to the many people in Thailand who do not usually read Dhamma books. It would be a book...

Mindfulness Precepts & Crashing in the same car
2012 — English
It has always been my intention to share the teachings of Phra Ajahn Jayasaro with other lay followers and those who are seeking the best way to live their lives. In every...

Daughters and Sons
2011 — English
Many years ago before I was ordained as a monk, I believed that wisdom came from experience. So I left my home country of England for India, roaming around and gathering life...

On Love
2010 — English
This small book began life as a Dhamma talk given in the Thai language. After I had edited the transcribed version it was printed in Thailand under the title Lak Rak. One...

The Real Practice
2008 — English
Three talks to the monastic community of Wat Pah Nanachat by Ajahn Jayasaro: - Giving Yourself up to Things - Khanti – Patient Endurance - The Real Practice