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Ajahn Sucitto

Luang Por Sucitto was the abbot of Cittaviveka – Chithurst Buddhist Monastery from 1992 until 2014. He was born in London and went forth as a bhikkhu in Thailand in March 1976.... Read more

Luang Por Sucitto was the abbot of Cittaviveka – Chithurst Buddhist Monastery from 1992 until 2014. He was born in London and went forth as a bhikkhu in Thailand in March 1976. Luang Por Sucitto returned to Britain in 1978 and took up training under Luang Por Sumedho at the Hampstead Buddhist Vihara. In 1979 he was one of the small group of monks, led by Luang Por Sumedho, who established Cittaviveka – Chithurst Buddhist Monastery.

In 1981 he was sent up to Northumberland to set up a small monastery in Harnham, which subsequently became Aruna Ratanagiri Monastery. In 1984 he accompanied Luang Por Sumedho in establishing Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in Hertfordshire. In 1992 he was appointed abbot of Cittaviveka. On October 26, 2014, he resigned the post, but has continued teaching as before.

Luang Por Sucitto's main work has been in teaching, editing and writing, although he was also largely responsible for the creation of the protocols and standards that flesh out the Ten Precept training of the Sīladharā (nuns) Order.

Cover for Atmen wie ein Buddha
Dieses Buch nahm seinen Anfang als ein Essay, mit dem Ziel, die Praxis der Achtsamkeit auf den Atem (ānāpānasati) um einige Hinweise zu ergänzen. Ich wollte meine Aussagen kurz und bündig auf den Punkt bringen, in dem Bewusstsein, dass es bereits zahlreiche Meditationshandbücher gibt, ebenso wie etliche gründliche Darstellungen zur Theorie und Praxis der Achtsamkeit auf den Atem. Doch angesichts der Tatsache, dass diese Meditation... Read more

Dieses Buch nahm seinen Anfang als ein Essay, mit dem Ziel, die Praxis der Achtsamkeit auf den Atem (ānāpānasati) um einige Hinweise zu ergänzen. Ich wollte meine Aussagen kurz und bündig auf den Punkt bringen, in dem Bewusstsein, dass es bereits zahlreiche Meditationshandbücher gibt, ebenso wie etliche gründliche Darstellungen zur Theorie und Praxis der Achtsamkeit auf den Atem. Doch angesichts der Tatsache, dass diese Meditation von so entscheidender Bedeutung ist, erscheint es meines Erachtens hilfreich, hier auch frische Ansätze einzubringen. Und ich habe festgestellt, dass die Art und Weise, wie ich die Achtsamkeit auf den Atem verstehe und an sie herangehe, sich zwar von der Methode, die man mir ursprünglich beibrachte, etwas unterscheidet, dass sie sich aber dennoch mit ihrer ursprünglichen Sutta-Darstellung im Einklang befindet.

This book is a translation of Breathing like a Buddha
Cover for On Your Own Two Feet
A GUIDE TO STANDING MEDITATION As standing is something that we do, why not do it with full awareness? After all, standing was one of the positions that the Buddha recommended as a proper basis for mindfulness. Wisely cultivated, it takes strain out of the body, encourages balance and inner stability – and is a support for full liberation. In this guide, Ajahn Sucitto adds... Read more


As standing is something that we do, why not do it with full awareness? After all, standing was one of the positions that the Buddha recommended as a proper basis for mindfulness. Wisely cultivated, it takes strain out of the body, encourages balance and inner stability – and is a support for full liberation.

In this guide, Ajahn Sucitto adds practical details to the establishment and development of this practice. It is for beginners and experienced meditators alike.

Cover for Breathing like a Buddha
This book began as an essay to add some guiding notes to the practice of mindfulness of breathing (ānāpānasati). The intention was to be concise, with the understanding that plenty of meditation manuals are available, as are several thorough expositions of the theory and practice of mindfulness of breathing. However, as this meditation is so crucial, it seems useful to contribute any fresh approaches. And... Read more

This book began as an essay to add some guiding notes to the practice of mindfulness of breathing (ānāpānasati). The intention was to be concise, with the understanding that plenty of meditation manuals are available, as are several thorough expositions of the theory and practice of mindfulness of breathing. However, as this meditation is so crucial, it seems useful to contribute any fresh approaches. And I have noticed that the way I understand and approach mindfulness of breathing is both somewhat different from what I was originally taught, and yet can fit the original sutta presentation.

Also available in Deutsch
Cover for Kamma and the End of Kamma (2nd Edition)
This book is a substantially revised and expanded version of the 2009 original. It explores the link between external action and mind cultivation – both of which are forms of the kamma that leads to liberation. The book teaches formal meditation practices, the role of devotion, aspects of dependent origination, and the need to establish skilful relationships – kalyānamitta – and the cessation of suffering... Read more

This book is a substantially revised and expanded version of the 2009 original. It explores the link between external action and mind cultivation – both of which are forms of the kamma that leads to liberation. The book teaches formal meditation practices, the role of devotion, aspects of dependent origination, and the need to establish skilful relationships – kalyānamitta – and the cessation of suffering and stress.

Cover for Das kostbarste Geschenk
Diese Sammlung mit Dhamma-Reflexionen von Ajahn Sucitto aus der Zeit von 1985 bis 2017 wurde anlässlich seines 70. Geburtstages erstellt (2019). Sie entstand aus der Motivation der Dankbarkeit und Wertschätzung vieler seiner Schüler und Schülerinnen, und als Würdigung für sein mehr als 30-jähriges kontinuierliches Wirken als Dhamma-Lehrer und spiritueller Freund.
This book is a translation of The Most Precious Gift
Cover for An Outline of Buddhism
A great variety of forms of religious practice are associated with the word ‘Buddhism’. However, they all take Siddhattha Gotama, who lived and taught in northern India some 2,500 years ago, as their source or inspiration. It was he who became known as the ‘Buddha’ – that is ‘the Awakened One’, one who has attained great wisdom through their own efforts.
Cover for Meditation – Ein Weg des Erwachens
Warum meditieren? Wenn Sie dieses Handbuch lesen, sind Sie vielleicht neugierig zu erfahren, warum Menschen meditieren. Warum sitzen sie lange Zeit still und aufrecht? Woran denken sie? Ist es eine Art Religion? Wenn ja, woran glauben sie? Nun, es mag sein, dass einige Meditierende auf bestimmte Weise denken, und manche mögen einen tiefen Glauben an einen Gott oder eine Wahrheit haben. Aber es ist auch... Read more

Warum meditieren?

Wenn Sie dieses Handbuch lesen, sind Sie vielleicht neugierig zu erfahren, warum Menschen meditieren. Warum sitzen sie lange Zeit still und aufrecht? Woran denken sie? Ist es eine Art Religion? Wenn ja, woran glauben sie? Nun, es mag sein, dass einige Meditierende auf bestimmte Weise denken, und manche mögen einen tiefen Glauben an einen Gott oder eine Wahrheit haben. Aber es ist auch möglich, ohne all das zu meditieren. Einfach gesagt läuft es darauf hinaus, Frieden des Geistes zu finden – und zwar im Geist selbst. Dass der Geist der richtige Platz für diese Suche ist, wird klar, wenn man bedenkt, dass die Menschheit trotz vieler technologischer, medizinischer und sozialer Entwicklungen schwer unter Druck ist und in tiefen Schwierigkeiten steckt.

Was also sind die Wurzeln von Gewalt, Egoismus und Misstrauen? Warum erleben wir Entfremdung und Depression, wenn wir auf der anderen Seite so viel haben? Wie entstehen Freude und Mitgefühl? Dies sind einige der grundlegenden Fragen, auf die die Meditation Ihnen helfen kann, eigene Antworten zu finden.

Was folgt, sind Anleitungen zur Meditation nach den Lehren des Buddha, die er vor etwa 2500 Jahren gab. Die zeitlose Qualität dieser Lehren ist so beschaffen, dass sie uns dabei unterstützen, Zustände von Unzufriedenheit und Leiden zu untersuchen, sie zu verstehen, und ihre Ursachen zu entfernen. Das zu erreichen wird “Erleuchtung” oder “Erwachen” genannt. Dennoch können Meditierende sogar mit den anfänglichen Schritten auf dem Pfad zum Erwachen viel von den Dingen in ihrem Geist ausräumen, die Angst, Depression und Leiden verursachen, und die ihr Glück und Verstehen einschränken.

This book is a translation of Meditation – A Way of Awakening
Cover for Introduction to Insight Meditation
The aim of this booklet is to serve as an introduction to the practice of Insight Meditation as taught within the tradition of Theravada Buddhism. You need not be familiar with the teachings of the Buddha to make use of it, although such knowledge can help to clarify any personal understanding you may develop through meditation.
Also available in Español
Cover for Clarity and Calm
The following pages offer some means to find clarity and calm within a few minutes. They can be put into practice in a range of non-specialized situations – in the time it would take you to drink a cup of tea. If you live a busy life, this guide may help you come out of the momentum of the day and give you more time.... Read more

The following pages offer some means to find clarity and calm within a few minutes. They can be put into practice in a range of non-specialized situations – in the time it would take you to drink a cup of tea. If you live a busy life, this guide may help you come out of the momentum of the day and give you more time. These suggestions may also offer you a way to meditate – but that’s up to you and another guide.

Also available in Deutsch, Español, Français, italiano, ไทย
Cover for Unseating the Inner Tyrant
Do you ever find yourself dominated by a chain of thought that tells you that you’re not good enough, that you don’t deserve much, and that other people look down on you or tolerate you out of politeness? Do you find yourself snagging on memories of things you did wrong, or relationships that you didn’t get right? Do you feel that you have to be... Read more

Do you ever find yourself dominated by a chain of thought that tells you that you’re not good enough, that you don’t deserve much, and that other people look down on you or tolerate you out of politeness? Do you find yourself snagging on memories of things you did wrong, or relationships that you didn’t get right? Do you feel that you have to be a success in life like you think someone else is – and are consequently critical of yourself? This piece of psychology is called ‘the Inner Tyrant’. The good news is that it’s not just you who has this, and that you can get free of its grip. And the key to this is through establishing, and continually re-establishing, right intent.

Also available in Deutsch
Cover for Samādhi is Pure Enjoyment
Let’s look at the idea of concentration, or samādhi. When you hear those four little syllables, con-cen-tra-tion, what do they imply to you? It may take a few moments to articulate it, but you might immediately feel a particular set of energies starting to take over. You probably get a sense of doing something, working hard at it to get it right. That’s the normal... Read more

Let’s look at the idea of concentration, or samādhi. When you hear those four little syllables, con-cen-tra-tion, what do they imply to you? It may take a few moments to articulate it, but you might immediately feel a particular set of energies starting to take over. You probably get a sense of doing something, working hard at it to get it right. That’s the normal take. We clench up, get tight, and go for it. It’s intensive practice, a ‘concentration’ camp. No slacking! With this kind of thinking, we rev up the controlling systems, the duty systems, the work systems, and the ‘get-it-right’ systems. Right there is stress. A line of tension starts to form across your brow.

Also available in Deutsch
Cover for Parami, Ways to Cross Life's Floods
Centuries ago a seeker, one who searches for a way beyond birth and death, was wandering through a remote valley of one of the many tributaries of the Ganges river. He had been wandering for six years and in the course of that time had studied under teachers, developed meditation and strengthened his considerable resolve.
Also available in italiano