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Cover for Rain on the Nile
When Silent Rain was first compiled, back in 1993, part of the idea of producing such a varied collection of material – talks, poems, travelogues and artwork – was that it would then provide an easy source for smaller offprints over the years. Things, however, rarely turn out as predicted by foresight and thus, up until now, no smaller booklets had been spawned from it.... Lees meer

When Silent Rain was first compiled, back in 1993, part of the idea of producing such a varied collection of material – talks, poems, travelogues and artwork – was that it would then provide an easy source for smaller offprints over the years. Things, however, rarely turn out as predicted by foresight and thus, up until now, no smaller booklets had been spawned from it.

This present book, Rain on the Nile, is something of a remedy for that, being both an outcome of that original intention as well as an arena for the offering up of some more recent material – to wit, the travelogue of a journey to Egypt made in December of 2006. In truth, without there having been plans to reprint some of the talks from Silent Rain, the Egyptian diary would never have been written.

The idea to select some talks from the book and to create this smaller reprint was originally that of Venerable Tenzin Chogkyi, an American nun practicing in the Tibetan tradition. She had been the recipient of a bequest from a family member and was of a mind to direct some of it to be used to bring parts of Silent Rain back into circulation, the original stock of books having long ago been exhausted. She had found the book very helpful in her own life and wished it to be accessible to others. She thus approached me, in the autumn of 2006, and floated the idea of such an offprint being sponsored by her. I readily agreed and, during the conversation, it was mentioned that I had plans to travel to Egypt with Luang Por Sumedho that December.

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Cover for The Body
This collection of nuns’ talks, which were originally offered to the monastic communities and during meditation retreats for lay people, focus on two main themes. The first is obvious but, remarkably, overlooked by many people: our very existence as a physical presence – how that changes and how it ends. The second theme, the Buddha’s teaching, which he referred to as the Four Noble Truths,... Lees meer

This collection of nuns’ talks, which were originally offered to the monastic communities and during meditation retreats for lay people, focus on two main themes. The first is obvious but, remarkably, overlooked by many people: our very existence as a physical presence – how that changes and how it ends. The second theme, the Buddha’s teaching, which he referred to as the Four Noble Truths, begins with what is obvious: ‘Life is stressful’, However, having enumerated the causes of this state of affairs, it quickly moves on to the supremely subtle remedy – what the late Ven. Ajahn Chah referred to as ‘letting go’.

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Cover for Without and Within
The publication of this book, which is to be made available at hotels and other accommodations, meets a long-standing need. There have been others in the past who have begun and then finally abandoned such a project. This book finally succeeds in remedying an important lack. Ajahn Jayasaro has written this book in the form of questions and answers, making it interesting and not overly-academic... Lees meer

The publication of this book, which is to be made available at hotels and other accommodations, meets a long-standing need. There have been others in the past who have begun and then finally abandoned such a project. This book finally succeeds in remedying an important lack.

Ajahn Jayasaro has written this book in the form of questions and answers, making it interesting and not overly-academic in tone. Furthermore, he has drawn upon his extensive experience in both the study and practice of Buddhism, and also in teaching it to others, to select appropriate topics. He has observed and reflected on which matters are commonly of interest to people, and which matters would be good for them to understand. He also deals in the book with subjects that people tend to misunderstand and others in which important and useful aspects are often overlooked. Thus, Ajahn Jayasaro has chosen suitable topics, ones in which he answers the needs of people interested in Buddhism, remedies misunderstandings, and points to areas that repay attention. He explains and gives advice, enlightening readers on fundamental Buddhist concepts. One beneficial theme infuses every aspect of this book: the elegant, meticulous cultivation of all that is noble in the heart and mind.

Cover for Tudong, The Long Road North
Tudong is a Thai derivative of the Pali word dhutanga translating literally as ‘means of shaking off’; it is used to refer to the austere or ascetic practices allowed by the Buddha for his disciples. These practices are thirteen in number and include, for example: eating only one meal a day, eating all your food together in your alms-bowl, never lying down, only wearing robes... Lees meer

Tudong is a Thai derivative of the Pali word dhutanga translating literally as ‘means of shaking off’; it is used to refer to the austere or ascetic practices allowed by the Buddha for his disciples. These practices are thirteen in number and include, for example: eating only one meal a day, eating all your food together in your alms-bowl, never lying down, only wearing robes made from scraps of thrown-away cloth, taking the shade of a tree as your only shelter. These practices are seen as a ‘means of shaking off’ since austerity of lifestyle, when rightly applied, can be greatly conducive to the development of wisdom and insight – that is, the shaking off of one’s delusions.

The word tudong is also used to refer to those monks who adhere closely to the monastic discipline and whose practice of the Buddha’s teachings is based on meditation and the cultivation of these dhutangas. Both the monastic discipline and the additional constraints of the dhutanga practices are tools used to help contain the mind. This containment is achieved as they prevent or make clear the tendencies of the mind to ‘flow out’; that is, absorb into the likes […]”

Cover for Rugged Interdependency
Perhaps it is impossible to say where anything really begins, nevertheless, it can be useful to map out a few landmarks here and there. Accordingly, here is a little of the background against and amongst which much of the thread of these travelogues unravels. In the early 1980s Ajahn Sumedho began to make regular visits to northern California. He was the senior Western disciple of... Lees meer

Perhaps it is impossible to say where anything really begins, nevertheless, it can be useful to map out a few landmarks here and there. Accordingly, here is a little of the background against and amongst which much of the thread of these travelogues unravels.

In the early 1980s Ajahn Sumedho began to make regular visits to northern California. He was the senior Western disciple of Ajahn Chah, one of the most highly respected Buddhist masters of the Thai forest tradition of Theravāda Buddhism, and he had been invited to come and teach in the US by Jack Kornfield, a former Peace Corps volunteer and psychologist, with whom he had spent some time in Thailand, in the late ’60s, when they were both monks under Ajahn Chah’s tutelage.

Jack had left the monk’s robes after returning to the States in the early ’70s and, with his friends Sharon Salzberg, Joseph Goldstein and Jacqueline Schwarz (now Mandell), had embarked upon establishing the Buddhist retreat center in Massachusetts called Insight Meditation Society (IMS). This had met with great success but had also revealed some differences in styles of teaching and practice amongst the founders. These differences, along with the massive interest in Buddhist meditation that was brewing in northern California, led Jack back to his city of origin, San Francisco, to found a parallel center to IMS on the West Coast. When it eventually came into being the new place became known as Spirit Rock Meditation Center.

These annual invitations to California were doubly attractive to Ajahn Sumedho in that, not only being an American and an alumnus of Berkeley University and thus being given a chance to visit his old stomping grounds, they also gave him the opportunity to visit his elderly parents and sister in San Diego. It therefore duly became part of his annual schedule to step out of the many duties he had in the foundation of his new monasteries in England (Cittaviveka in West Sussex and Amaravati in Hertfordshire) and to head to the West Coast for a few weeks to teach and to see family.

Over the next ten years he developed a devoted following of students in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 1988 they formed the Sanghapala Foundation, with the mission of creating a branch Monastery of Ajahn Chah’s lineage somewhere in northern California. Dr. Marc Lieberman, Nancy Garfield, Debbie Stamp and […]”

Cover for The Way to True Happiness
This book contains a number of talks given mostly to lay people by the Venerable Ajahn Dtun. The first talk, The Power of Virtue, Concentration, and Wisdom, was given in 2011 at the Bandar Uttama Buddhist Society in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. At the time it was appreciated by many listeners for being a good overview of the Buddha’s path of practice as well as describing... Lees meer

This book contains a number of talks given mostly to lay people by the Venerable Ajahn Dtun. The first talk, The Power of Virtue, Concentration, and Wisdom, was given in 2011 at the Bandar Uttama Buddhist Society in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. At the time it was appreciated by many listeners for being a good overview of the Buddha’s path of practice as well as describing clearly the stages of attainment on the Noble Path to Liberation. The talk has been reworked from the original oral translation so as to give greater accuracy of meaning while also filling in the small omissions that naturally occur during live translations.

Then there are four shorter pre-meal reflections. These types of reflections are frequently given by the Venerable Ajahn to the laity who come to make offerings of food and requisites at the monastery. The reader will notice a difference in tone or style within these short and pithy reflections. They emphasize fundamental points of Dhamma without going into great details. Each reflection does, however, serve to reassert the correct path of practice

As with all talks given by the meditation masters within the Thai Forest Tradition, they are very much ad lib in their style. The emphasis is always to speak from the heart and touch upon points of Dhamma that are felt to be relevant to the listener. This can be seen in the final talk, The Ten Spiritual Perfections, as it gently encourages its listeners to always persevere in their spiritual practices so that they may achieve their goals.

It is therefore sincerely hoped that the reader will gain the same benefit as the listeners did, by receiving the inspiration to either start, or keep on with, the practice of spiritual development.

Cover for It's Like This: 108 Dhamma Similes
Venerable Ajahn Chah was a master at using the apt and unusual simile to explain points of Dhamma in a memorable way. He was especially talented at exploiting the open-ended nature of the simile - using a particular image to make one point in one context, and a very different point in another. This book is a companion to In Simple Terms, an earlier collection... Lees meer

Venerable Ajahn Chah was a master at using the apt and unusual simile to explain points of Dhamma in a memorable way. He was especially talented at exploiting the open-ended nature of the simile - using a particular image to make one point in one context, and a very different point in another. This book is a companion to In Simple Terms, an earlier collection of similes drawn from Ajahn Chah's transcribed talks.

Cover for Meditacao a andar
Nesta palestra, vou concentrar-me nos aspetos essenciais da meditação a andar abordando as questões ‘Como?’, ‘Quando?’, ‘Onde?’ e ‘Porquê?’. Pretendo incluir instruções práticas sobre os aspetos técnicos da meditação a andar e instruções para cultivar qualidades mentais que levam à concentração, introspeção e sabedoria através da atividade física da meditação a andar. O Buddha enfatizou o desenvolvimento da plena atenção nas quatro principais posturas: de... Lees meer

Nesta palestra, vou concentrar-me nos aspetos essenciais da meditação a andar abordando as questões ‘Como?’, ‘Quando?’, ‘Onde?’ e ‘Porquê?’. Pretendo incluir instruções práticas sobre os aspetos técnicos da meditação a andar e instruções para cultivar qualidades mentais que levam à concentração, introspeção e sabedoria através da atividade física da meditação a andar.

O Buddha enfatizou o desenvolvimento da plena atenção nas quatro principais posturas: de pé, sentado, deitado e a andar (DN22, MN10). Encorajou-nos a estarmos atentos em todas estas posturas, para termos plena consciência e reconhecimento daquilo que estamos a fazer em qualquer posição.

Se lerem acerca da vida dos monges e monjas no tempo de Buddha, perceberão que muitos alcançaram certos estágios de iluminação enquanto praticavam meditação a andar. Meditação a andar chama-se caṅkama em Pāḷi. É uma atividade que permite focar e concentrar a mente ou desenvolver conhecimento e sabedoria introspetiva.

Algumas pessoas sentem-se naturalmente mais atraídas pela meditação a andar, por a considerarem mais fácil e natural do que a meditação sentada. Quando se sentam, sentem-se aborrecidas, tensas ou distraem-se facilmente. As suas mentes não se acalmam. Se este é o vosso caso, não persistam; façam alguma coisa[…]

Cover for Don't Hold Back
Just as a bird, wherever it goes, flies with its wings as its only burden; so too is a monk content with a set of robes to provide for his body and alms-food to provide for his hunger. Wherever he goes, he takes only his barest necessities along. (D 11) I am delighted to be here for the twenty-fifth anniversary of Chithurst and the opening... Lees meer

Just as a bird, wherever it goes, flies with its wings as its only burden; so too is a monk content with a set of robes to provide for his body and alms-food to provide for his hunger. Wherever he goes, he takes only his barest necessities along. (D 11)

I am delighted to be here for the twenty-fifth anniversary of Chithurst and the opening of the new Dhamma hall. This space is very beautiful; everyone can spread out comfortably. On the other hand, some people sitting in the back may not be able to hear me so well, if at all. Isn’t this an excellent example of the unsatisfactory nature of existence? even in the midst of such uplifting circumstances, a certain amount of dukkha is unavoidable.

Cover for Dhammapada – Reflexões
A radiância dos ensinamentos do Buddha chega-nos até hoje, aqui e agora, iluminando o caminho que nos leva em direcção à libertação do sofrimento. A luminosidade do Dhamma é reflectida nas palavras e acções daqueles que seguem os ensinamentos do Buddha. Milhões de homens e mulheres tiveram pelo menos um vislumbre desta luz entre a escuridão do nosso mundo. Guiados pelas palavras do Professor, esses... Lees meer

A radiância dos ensinamentos do Buddha chega-nos até hoje, aqui e agora, iluminando o caminho que nos leva em direcção à libertação do sofrimento. A luminosidade do Dhamma é reflectida nas palavras e acções daqueles que seguem os ensinamentos do Buddha. Milhões de homens e mulheres tiveram pelo menos um vislumbre desta luz entre a escuridão do nosso mundo. Guiados pelas palavras do Professor, esses seres reconheceram o quão calorosa e permeada de clareza é a sua verdadeira natureza.

Este livro contém uma selecção de 52 versos retirados do Dhammapada. Acompanhando cada verso encontra-se um curto parágrafo de Ajahn Munindo, um monge Budista Theravāda, presentemente abade do mosteiro de Aruna Ratanagiri, em Northumberland, Reino Unido. O Dhamapada contém na sua totalidade 423 versos, sendo cada um deles um exemplo intemporal da radiante sabedoria do Buddha. Eles são «…artefactos muito antigos que, miraculosamente, contêm em si as profundas realidades professadas pelo Buddha», tal como Thomas Jones descreve no epílogo de ‘A Dhammapada for Contemplation’ 2006, publicação da qual estes versos foram retirados.

Hierdie boek is 'n vertaling van Dhammapada Reflections - Vol. One
Cover for Laskavost
Tato malá sbírka naučení obsahuje z větší části rozpravy z týdenního meditačního kurzu v České republice z roku 2009. Poslední rozprava je z novoročního meditačního kurzu 2011/2012 tamtéž.
Hierdie boek is 'n vertaling van The Body
Cover for Dhammapada Reflections - Vol. Two
This Dhammapada Reflections, Volume 2 follows on from Volume 1, which was printed in 2009. Once again it comprises a selection of 52 quotes from A Dhammapada for Contemplation (2006) with comments. These quotes and comments were previously published as email messages sent out each new- and full-moon to participants in our Dhammasakaccha on-line correspondence community, which currently has about 600 participants.